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Alphabet Backs GitLab's Quest to Surpass Microsoft's GitHub (bloomberg.com)
353 points by bauta-steen on Sept 20, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 202 comments

From "Laws of Tech: Commoditize Your Complement" (https://www.gwern.net/Complement):

> Joel Spolsky in 2002 identified a major pattern in technology business & economics: the pattern of "commoditizing your complement"

> This pattern explains many otherwise odd or apparently self-sabotaging ventures by large tech companies into apparently irrelevant fields ...

> ...they are pre-emptive attempts to commodify another company elsewhere in the stack, or defenses against it being done to them.

After having read this article, it's been interesting how a lot of these investments have started making more sense. They often aren't primarily about the product itself, rather they serve the function of minimizing any leverage other companies could have over them.

As Github offers an access to a valuable resource for tech companies, developers, Microsoft could use it to promote its products/services and to attract talent. This isn't good for Google, so they are hoping to reduce Microsoft's leverage.

In some sense this is obvious, but I hadn't consciously identified this as a pattern before.

I hope somebody will do this to Google's business so they have to do something else than selling ads.

That's why there is alphabet, labs etc. The business is trying to diversify.

Apologies if what I say is naive -- I don't follow Google announcements at all -- but they don't seem to try and progress any field per se, except maybe deep learning and only where it serves them (like one of their first successes was to reduce their power usage on a ship full of servers I think?).

They are merging YouTube Gaming to YT itself (cited branding problems), discontinuing Inbox next March... Add that to a long list of canceled services. I am not saying they have to run a charity but they do seem very heavy-handed in these situations.

And so far we have not seen them innovate anywhere for a while -- correct me if I am wrong.

To me, it seems they entrench themselves even further in the business of using personal data for profit -- one example could be the upcoming laptop OS Fuchsia. Imagine how much more they will know about people if that takes off on a massive scale.

They do have lots of ancillary revenue streams, but when you're talking about 100s of billions from ads then they just get overshadowed completely. Very hard to build an equivalently sized business in any other sector.

The major now seems to be on Google Cloud, but they have struggled there with bad marketing, lack of sales and support talent, and strange priorities. Seems to be growing now with the AI functionalities but there's a long road ahead.

The very example you cite at the end is an example of them genuinely innovating and advancing the field. Have you read the Fuchsia docs (https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/docs/+/HEAD/README.md)? It's spearheading several innovative OS concepts and I'm excited to see it develop (to name three: microkernel architecture, top to bottom least-privilege access sandboxing, and Flutter for the UI which advances UI development in other ways).

Google Compute Engine, and their infrastructure offerings more generally, are in a nice spot relative to Amazon and Microsoft. AWS and Azure get all the attention, but I wouldn't be surprised if GCE is decently profitable as well.

Like sibling commentors have pointed out, it's easy for even relatively successful ventures to be completely overshadowed by the golden goose that is ads and search.

None of those services you mentions are alternatives to selling ads. They are just places to sell ads.

As for alternative revenues, they are heavily pushing Google Cloud platforms to businesses.

Why? Advertising isn't going anywhere so there will always be providers of it, so why would Google not remain one of those providers?

So all other media companies, too? Television networks, newspapers, magazines, etc.?

As much as a Google replacement would be great for competition, it would be extremely difficult. Google was able to scale with the web gradually through anti spam and proprietary software, but a new competitor would struggle to reach such a needed scale so quickly

Tl;dr: High cost of entry for newcomers

People said the same thing about AltaVista.

Agreed but I don’t think this is quite the same case. Back then Alta Vista pretty much only offered search as a value to its users. Google certainly started there but offers a lot more than just search to its users. Only one service had to be overthrown to overcome AV. Lots of services would need to be overcome to overthrow google.

(Note I said “users” not “customers”)

You just need to overthrow the ad business and Google will have a huge problem.

Yeah, I don't want to live in a world where Google owns/buys out Gitlab, but I sure am happy to hear Gitlab getting more and more recognition.

They've fully stepped out of the shadow of Github (for a long while, in my mind), and it's nice to see people taking attention.

Me too; I've moved my active projects to Gitlab quite a while ago and haven't looked back. I just prefer everything about the Gitlab user experience over GitHub.

Thanks for commenting! By the way we intent to grow as an independent company. We want to support all public clouds. This financing was lead by Iconiq, not GV. And we plan to go public on November 18, 2020.

> I don't want to live in a world where Google owns/buys out Gitlab

why not? If it means gitlab can have the resources to keep improving...

and given that it's open-source, there's no fear of any shutdowns.

Google has shutdown lots of things.

Google Reader iGoogle Google Talk Google Health Knol Picnik Buzz AARDVARK Sidewiki Notebook Wave Dictionary Labs SearchWiki Video Dodgeball Jaiku Lively Answers Page Creator

I won't even mention how bad android sucks with devices never seeing security patches, updates or new releases.

I'm just not a fan of choosing sides. Already saw google code die, why would i want them to own or have heavy influence over gitlab?

> and given that it's open-source, there's no fear of any shutdowns.

Well, not entirely. The community aspect of GitHub would largely be lost if it vanished overnight and was replaced by scattered competing clones, even if they were running the exact same code.

Yeah... if anyone remembers Google Wave, which was open sourced and pushed out to Apache when Google decided to close it down. Eventually that didn't even have enough momentum to live on under Apache.

Which might not meet some definitions of fear, but it's not the best outcome for anyone who likes a product.

Not a bad comparison, but I think Google Wave was doomed from the start. As they say, it 'filled a much needed gap'. It wasn't quite a forum, it wasn't quite an IM chat system, it wasn't quite a wiki, and it had no clear advantages.

I sort of agree, but then I look at Slack's success and I'm left a little baffled.

Not the only one. It's a proprietary IRC derivative, attached to an absurdly bloated GUI.

Apparently this, uh, 'innovation', is worth around $3bn.

AFAIK competing Git* servers are trying to use ActivityPub to implement federation between them

[0] https://github.com/forgefed/forgefed

Because github is now owned by one evil empire, we don't want the most viable alternative to be owned by another.

Gitlab _could_ be a brilliant SaaS product. It has many more features than github, Runner integration allows simple and easy building, instead of having to bust out to circleCI.

As a self hosted product, it is difficult to be beaten.

but as a Saas product, its just horribly unreliable.

In the last two months it has improved, but there are still outages every two weeks or so. (https://twitter.com/gitlabstatus) I'm hoping that with this extra cash, they'll be hiring in some infrastructure people (people who will look at this in horror: https://about.gitlab.com/2016/12/11/proposed-server-purchase... ) who actually know how to make a stable platform using _proven "boring"_ stuff, not sexy slow and supposedly HA stuff like Ceph and forcing it to serve NFS.

Thanks for your comment, we really appreciate the feedback. Our team is working hard on improving the availability and stability of the platform. Our goal is currently to achieve 99.95% availability on GitLab.com.

According to Pingdom, over the last year our availability has been 99.81%, although this includes the large (multi-hour) maintenance window on 11 August 2018 when we migrated GitLab.com from Microsoft Azure cloud to Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Since the migration, our availability has improved greatly (caveat: we obviously have much less data than from Azure).

Using the data publicly available from Pingdom, here are some interesting stats:

Mean-time between outages in Azure (September 2017 through August 11 2018): 1.3 days

Mean-time between outages in GCP (September 2017 through August 12 2018): 7.3 days (if you ignore some problems we experienced on the first day after the migration, this rises to 12 days!)

Since, migrating to GCP, our overall availability, according to Pingdom, has risen to 99.92%. Again, if you exclude the few hiccups that we experienced on the Monday immediately following the migration, this rises to 99.97%.

There are multiple reasons for this improvement. We chose Google Cloud Platform because we believe that they offer the most reliable cloud platform for our workload, particularly as we move towards running GitLab.com in Kubernetes. It is worth pointing out that we also used the migration as an opportunity to improve our infrastructure, simplify some components and otherwise make things more stable and more observable. Finally, we've also been focusing on building the infrastructure team up, having hired many new team members over the past few months. This means that the team has been better able to balance the job of running GitLab.com with making it more stable.

That's all well and good, but by your own admission you're still having outages nearly once a week on average

> hiring in some infrastructure people

Part of the problem is that these, at least the ones making the fundamental decisions, are likely to be software people, with not enough ops/sysadmin experience.

> who actually know how to make a stable platform using _proven "boring"_ stuff, not sexy

The ones who do may have gotten bored of it, themselves, and no longer admit it, instead leaning toward as much of the "Dev" part of DevOps (as a title) as possible, since that's where the excitement (and decision making power) tends to be. The rest of us are borderline unemployable.

I don't quite understand that statement.

With the exception of my time at a financial news paper, virtually all professional life has been trying to make highly scalable pipelines that run as smoothly as possible.

In any project, you have about three innovation tokens to spend. Each token will cost you time and momentum, however they may give you lots of reward. Personally I like spending them on the bits of the software that give you the USP, Not something thats already solved.

To illustrate the point:

using loads of d blades with internal storage to create a Ceph storage mesh == expensive nightmare and slow, especially as you are going to be serving it over NFS. Storage bandwidth is contending serving bandwidth. Not only that you now have three SPOFs the NFS servers, the ceph cluster (no, its really not HA) and the blade fabric.

three or four real file servers with proper jbods/raid arrays if you want to go down the NFS route. the smaller the better, spread the load amongst them evenly, meaning that if one goes down it degrades but not totally wipes out access.

Better yet to use SAS/FC to route block access, and either pay for hardware duplication, or write the state to two different LUNs (its git after all, its fairly simple to duplicate.)

failing that, just us VMware and some decent block storage, and let it figure out how to do it. It has rather reasonable HA clustering, which don't need software changes.

or just host it in the cloud. Which is what they did in the end.

> I don't quite understand that statement.

I didn't make a single statement, but I also made what is more of an accusation (i.e. stating the opinion of others I disagree with) than my own assertion.

> Personally I like spending them on the bits of the software that give you the USP, Not something thats already solved.

I'm suggesting that most people (or at least in my own "bubble", as it were) don't differentiate. Re-inventing the wheel is just fine to them, so long as it's fun.

That said, I'm not convinced large (enough) "global" filesystems are a solved problem. Of course, GitLab doesn't necessarily need such a thing, but implementing that kind of storage "sharding" (for lack of a better word) may well be spending an innovation token, too.

> or just host it in the cloud.

Except that doesn't magically solve any of the architectural/operational problems. For all we know they're still doing Ceph-with-NFS, just paying much more to do so, without the ability to optimize the hardware for cost and/or performance.


I do agree that, a lot of my time can be taken up with explaining why I don't want to replace a file server with a Cassandra cluster(yes really).

I was at one point all for single name space global filesystems. GPFS makes data affinity, HSM and provide rich event hooks.

However, its global, which means global outages. It has its user cases though.

Depending on your use case sharding a file system can be pretty simple. The root folder can be a directory of dynamic symlinks controlled by config management.

However its never as simple as that, as you know.

> I do agree that, a lot of my time can be taken up with explaining why I don't want to replace a file server with a Cassandra cluster(yes really).

Adding the complexity of a DBMS (and a non-standard one at that) on top of a distributed system seems excessive, but I'd believe it.


I've never been a strong advocate for proprietary/enterprise solutions, as that's an easy way to spend more than a cloud provider would cost. Since storage (hardware) is the worst offender for markups, I'm extra-sensitive in that area.

> However its never as simple as that, as you know.

Indeed, which is why I suggested it would require innovation. For any non-trivial case, the app would need to be aware, and it may as well do all that work.

In the past we have had few "code repos" from Savannah to Sf and few sites like freshmeat to spread the news, the code, the idea. Of course we also have had and have used usenet.

IMVHO today it's time to evalutare ZeroNet for project sites/blog and something like IPFS (not much convinced by this project but...) for code and repos to AVOID depend on someone else server's switching to relay only on us all.

For me there is no difference in GitHub or GitLab or Bitbucket etc, nor between Google and Microsoft. In an era of diversity companies are not a problem, in an oligopolistic era like today, in an era of proprietary platforms instead of open standard companies are a problem and should be avoided, especially if they are big, especially if they push mix of proprietary and FOSS solution.

I use github a lot but I'm not too worried about the vendor lock-in. Since git is by nature distributed it's trivial to migrate the code elsewhere. The real problem is migrating the issues (but there are solutions for that as well, even if it's a bit more clunky) and the "social network" aspect but I don't care much for that myself.

But you're right, maybe IPFS plus something like Fossil (including issues in the VCS directly) could be a good solution to have a truly decentralized "platform".

For me and my team, git is not the tie-in for github. PRs are. Those are the proprietary parts of GitHubs value proposition. We use them all the time and fine the review process pretty convenient. I haven’t tried gitlabs equivalent. I’m sure we could use them but we’d need to adjust our workflow. So we’ll stay at github until the cost of migrating is less than any pain points we find at GitHub

PRs seem to have the same functionality everywhere; I haven’t seen anything in Github that I couldn’t do in Bitbucket or Gitlab.

PRs are related to MRs (Merge Requests), howver MRs have some additional features. Here you can read more about it https://about.gitlab.com/comparison/gitlab-merge-request-vs-...

What about user lock-out?

I do not know if it's a joke for you but it's a discussion point: my point is that devs are not "mass users" so they MUST know the tools of the trade.

So if I agree for instance that LaTeX for the classic stereotypical secretary it's a lock-out software despite it's excellent characteristics, I can't accept the same argument for an IT professional and even for a casual hobbyist programmer.

I had the pleasure of writing my graduation thesis and a couple of university assignments reports in LaTeX.

I don't miss it at all.

>ZeroNet is a decentralized web-like network of peer-to-peer users.

so how do you "spread the word" by using a peer to peer network that no one has signed up for? might as well share a link to the project on your google drive on a subreddit you maintain but don't publicize

not sure where you are coming from. did you know that gitlab is vastly more open source than github?

Ironically, I think Gitlab's popularity comes from the fact that it allowed free private repos, gaining more popularity in "closed source" teams. (At least, that's why I first used Gitlab)

We have community edition deployed to AWS which is pretty neat. Not only do we have private repos, but the entire deployment is private and behind a firewall. Github would require you to sign up for an enterprise hosted account and pay +$$$s. For the project we have at work that would be a hard, hard sell - without Gitlab we'd be a bit screwed for modern Git workflow with easy code reviews and all the other great stuff Github pioneered.

There are plenty of reasons why people are picking GitLab. You can read more about it here https://about.gitlab.com/2017/07/19/git-wars-switching-to-gi....

However, that's an old blog-post, today GitLab is the only single product for the complete DevOps lifecycle. Here you can find out more references about GitLab DevOps https://about.gitlab.com/devops/.

Actually I trust Microsoft more with Github than I would trust Google. Never imagined I would say this until few months ago. Also I just left free google consumer services few days ago.

Microsoft, since Satya took over, is a developer-first company. Everything they're doing is designed to give developers better tools on whatever platform they choose.

As we're all aware by now, Google is an advertising company (with a heap of technology, but it's still a company which primarily sells advertising).

I would put it simply: Apple is a hardware company, Microsoft is a software company, and Google is an ad company. Because that's what these companies sell to keep themselves alive.

Imagine what would happen if they all joined forces. Thin (less powerful than rpi) Macbook running Windows with Google ads in the OS!

Yeah the worst of all three worlds.

I'm convinced that Microsoft will soon offer a "free" version of Windows 10, supported by explicit tracking, advertising, and promotions (q.v., Candy Crush). I think it will be quite successful.

actually you can use windows 10 indefinitely for free. It has a little watermark but otherwise few restrictions

there's not even a watermark for me. i downloaded from here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10I...

i skipped the part during installation where it says to enter a key. after install, it says windows is activated, no watermark, no countdown. i don't use it, though. i just don't trust free shit anymore.

Did you install Win10 previously on the machine? It recognizes the license from the hardware ID it generates.

Yeah, it'd be interesting to get a definitive answer here...

oh, uh, maybe. i bought the system off craigslist a few years back.

So, like the one there is already that you have to pay for?

But it would be free (or very cheap)!

At the cost of everything.


You dropped the /s.

It's a bit late.

Apple build advanced products with vertical integration (taking risks, but with a high profit margin). Microsoft sells "cheap" software (historically using nasty commercial tactics). Google is an AI company. By luck, trying to give meaning to web pages and search requests brings a lot of money from ads. Google tries to get knowledge about every aspects of our lives (mail, contact, documents, travel, interests) in order to build smarter IA (like Alphago). The main risk of Google is to be broken in pieces for monopoly. Google is implied in politic to protect itself and gain military contracts. IMHO, the future of Google is about building skynet (and terminator). Earning money is a side effect.

To be fair to Google (and I say that as a massive skeptic), they are diversifying their business model, most notably by offering cloud services and developer tools. At one point 98% of their revenue was from advertising, and probably they saw the writing on the wall that it was time to diversify. Google Cloud seems to be doing well. I’m not sure what the revenue breakdown is now, but also not sure we can entirely call them an advertising company anymore.

Roughly 84% of their revenue is coming through ads. I think it’s fair to call them an advertising company


And I'd say that a significant portion of the remaining 16% is a byproduct of platforms for selling ads (e.g. Android) or just monetizing infrastructure Google had anyhow to serve ad related services (GCS, Google Drive).

The one thing coming to mind which is not designed to boost advertising is their Pixel line (after they killed the rest of their hardware, of course) but even that is not as much of a standalone activity as it is a way to effectively steer the future of the Android ecosystem.

Ask yourself this: Which Google products or services would have justification as standalone P&L units, without collecting user data and sending it to the mothership? Not too many.





Play (the non-admob parts: app hosting/monetization, licensed content providing (music, movies/tv).

ChromeOS / Classroom

The entire Hardware division (which now includes Nest)

An awful lot of the Geo/Maps org is oriented away from direct advertising.

FWIW, you didn't ask, and my answer didn't include, other significant pieces of Google investment that are not remotely ad driven, like Deepmind & the entire RMI (Research & Machine Intelligence) organizations.

Once upon a time, Google was known for those low-distraction text-only banners...

What I am trying to say: The whole online advertising business would not be that creepy if Google and Facebook wouldn't compete on who can track more out of the web users. The reason why we call them an advertising company, is that their core actions are driven by their advertising business. Otherwise, you would consider calling them a search company ;-)

> Everything they're doing is designed to give developers better tools on whatever platform they choose

This is what people said about Google too a few years back.

The reality is: Everything they're doing is designed to increase the company value for their shareholders.

Obviously, but what are the means to that end? All public companies are in the quest of increasing shareholder value - some of them do this by selling tobacco, others by monetizing user data (in other words, ad services) and others by providing developer tools and platforms.

And? Vanguard does things to increase the return for their shareholders. Should I not invest with them?

Actually no. Vanguard has a different arrangement from pretty much any company in that it is owned by the funds it manages. As such any return vanguard earns for shareholders is money they charged the shareholders in the first place. At best it is a zero sum game, and more likely it is inefficient.

Your statement is true and completely uninteresting. We’re talking about how companies pursue this goal.

But that is an obvious observation. Almost a tautology. The question is how they choose to go about doing it. One company plans to keep selling me off to advertisers. Another plans to provide me with software.

> One company plans to keep selling me off to advertisers. Another plans to provide me with software.

That's not exactly true. Both companies have shown that they _will_ switch to selling something different when they believe they can make more money that way.

Also, both these companies spy on you while using their products, and both sell that data to their advertisers. It's not just Google.

You should use both their products as you want, when they help you. My point is mainly not to trust that the company behind the developer products is some kind of a good actor. They will sell you out when it fits them.

Microsoft tracks you for advertising purposes as well.

Sadly it became a user hostile company at the same it became developer friendly. So while the tools (.net Core, VS Code, Xamarin) are a pleasure to use, I hardly boot Windows 10 anymore except for VS. The UI inconstancies, the productivity-nerfed start menu, the pervasive ads, etc. all contribute to gave that negative sentiment.

Also while MS is good to integrate third party open source projects, it also fails at the same time to address some core concerns of developpers from its own platform. For years people have wanted a portable UI framework for .net but the idea is always dismissed by the higher management. So, I think Microsoft is actually a developer-second, hype-first company.

I don't believe Microsoft has changed at all, they've just gotten better at marketing.

Modern Microsoft and Google are both now trying to make their millions by aggregating and selling customer data. Windows 10 is mostly spyware.

That doesn't even make sense. Google is the ad company. If they "sold your data" as claimed, they'd be giving away their biggest advantage to their competitors.

Isn't that just selling user data with extra steps?

It's using data to their advantage, but no it's not being sold.

Using data to target ads is still data exfiltration.

Because the destination knows the targeting and the IPs.

No, in the same way that selling wheat isn't selling land with extra steps.

The bigger and more authority something wields the more people should be should be inclined to be skeptical of it.

More than a decade ago the behemoth was Microsoft. Now it's Google. I guess if those positions reversed again I'd go back to being more skeptical of Microsoft.

Microsoft still the largest software house. Of course Google is bigger on the web, but this doesn't make MS automatically a better choice even if it's fancy to call MS a trustworthy company as they invested few millions (out of billions) into FOSS ecosystem, basically because their cloud platform, meanwhile do everything to destroy competition everywhere else.

>meanwhile do everything to destroy competition everywhere else.

That's not even remotely true. Powershell core, SQL on Linux, WSL, vs code, etc etc. They're doing their best to give customers choice in just about every new product they release.

Developers. Those are choices for developers, not their customers.

Their customers are still primarily enterprise/gov.

And the reason for giving choice and candy to the developers is to keep them onboard and happy to develop for the ecosystem, so that customers will continue to buy in as the ecosystem has what they need.

I'm not saying WSL or VS Code are evil. They make developing on Windows a joy. But they make it a joy with that goal in mind.

Really? SQL isn't free. Github isn't free. Linux on Azure isn't free.

The only other apps they're selling on-prem to enterprises are Exchange and AD.

In both cases, their focus is on moving customers to a hosted/cloud based version, so it's not something I would ever expect them to spend a ton of time and effort porting to another on-premises OS. For SMB they've become far, far more open both licensing it to third parties as well as helping out the samba crew with the open source version.

Do you have a single example of them being openly hostile? Or you're just whining about them not open sourcing and giving away the farm?

> Do you have a single example of them being openly hostile?

The spyware literally built into Win 10 - and backported to previous windows - which can't be disabled without third party products?

To me, that's openly hostile to everyone. Note - "everyone" includes developers. I'm not sure why many people seem to give MS a free pass on this. :/


I'm not sure why everyone pretends this is an MS thing and not an industry thing :/

Is it really an industry thing? There do seem to be several large bad actors at present (MS being one of them), and but not sure it really extends to most of the IT industry.

Maybe you're meaning some non-IT industry? eg Marketing?

I feel like you hit reply on the wrong comment?

Nowhere did I claim them to be hostile. I never expressed my thoughts on how they acquire business as good or bad.

All I did was state that "They're doing their best" isn't out of the goodness of their hearts, there's a biz decision behind it.

> Or you're just whining about them not open sourcing and giving away the farm?

Way to try and attack my character. Never said a word of what you're accusing.

I’m not sure I so much trust Microsoft as that I’m fairly certain they’re not actively out to fuck me over.

With Google I’m not so sure any more. Hopefully I’ll soon be able to say goodbye as well.

Nobody thought that under Gates and Ballmer, either.

Everybody thought Gates-era Microsoft was actively out to fuck over everyone it could. They happened to be right.

Out to fuck over competitors, not users (because to microsoft’s business, users = customers). Google is actively making users’ lives worse.

Uh, Microsoft's nickname in the 90s was the "Evil Empire".

Nah, IBM was still the "Evil Empire" in the first half of the '90s, IIRC. They did things that make Microsoft and Google look like saints.

Microsoft didn't take over the Evil Empire title until the late '90s, IMO.

That was after the fact.

There are difference between backing and acquiring. Plus, GitLab is open sourced and self-hostable.

If Google wants to throw some of their money on something that end user can fully control, then why not be happy about it?

> GitLab is open sourced ...

GitLab is open core, not open source. They say so themselves:


You are right about the open-core. However, in that blog-post, Sid mentioned that we are an open-source company and remarked that open-core is the more accurate term.

Because they’ve gotten pretty effective at the open source bait and switch too. Look at android.

I just have mail left to migrate, which in itself is proving quite difficult. Mail services are plentiful, paid or free, but mail for 5+ custom domains, where i'm not paying $5/mo per user, those are hard to come by.

I'm planning on, once again, spinning up my own mailserver on a $5/mo VPS. Have lots of domains, but not that many users/traffic.

https://mxroute.com/ is what I use for this very purpose and so far I'm very pleased with it.

This looks exactly like what i'm looking for.

I'm slightly bothered by the fact that their servers are located in the worlds surveillance hotspots no. 2 and 3. but i guess email always has at least 2 involved parties, so it's not exactly "top secret".

That's true. But unecrypted email really isn't secure anyway. I'd prefer this solution to using Google Mail and having my emails read for targeted advertising.

I'm also always actively looking, and they look interesting, but their recent blog posts don't fill me with too much confidence (although they have to be commended on being so open about it). Any personal experience there?

Yeah, I'd agree about the recent blog posts. But I've been a customer of theirs for about a year and have only good things to say about the quality of the product. I think I originally came across them from another hacker news comment too.

I used to run my own mail server for years but spam was becomming a problem as it always does when running your own system and I thought the pricing of most of the services was poor if you had lots of addresses but didn't send/receive many emails. Spam hasn't been an issue for me with mxroute so far and their infrastructure seems to be pretty solid.

Used them for a bit. Their webmail is pants and the search is so slow. Switching to Google Suite has made my life much eaiser.

Fastmail allows multiple domains under a single user account through aliases.

If you are the only actual user of those emails accounts, then it's a great option (I have 5+ domains under a single account with them)

If you haven’t seen it yet check out mailcow for a nice way to manage your own mail.


I've tried mailcow, and it is also being considered. I'm trying to dig up "dirt" on it to see just how secure it is.

I'm always very nervous when it comes to running docker in production. Also, it looks like it (by default) stores emails in a docker container, which in my book is just overcomplicating things. While i don't mind software being containerized, i much prefer having my data stored in the plain old filesystem.

I have chosen Fastmail. Cheap, works really well (but I am a new customer so more time needs to pass), you can register I think 100 custom domains on 1 account, aliases, catch all addresses, etc.. They host caldav and carddav stuff too. Their webui is really fast, much faster than gmail, and IMAP works great.

AND they can import your gmail account. They imported mine in a few hours, 4.5gb of mails.

Their pricing says $5 per user per month with custom domains. That's exactly what the parent comment said they didn't want. Am I missing some cheaper plan?

Microsoft only left US Federal oversight seven years ago. Satya has only been in charge for four years. Do you think the mindset of an international 130,000 employee company can change that fast?

The changes that Satya implemented were only possible because the majority of employees agreed with his vision.

Anecdotally speaking, the culture enforced by Ballmer was not that popular among Microsoft's employees.

Your two sentences contradict each other. If Ballmer's implementations were unpopular with employees, why did he hold office for so long?

What I'm saying is, employees don't get to decide how a company is run.

Yes. Because you don’t have to change all of it. A lot of those people are in support, logistics, or working in extremely stable projects (e.g. office).

Besides, the risk here is toxic managerial choices, and you can and do swap out VPs and similar over half a decade.

Yeah I would agree there, I'd rather take Github over Gitlab if Google takes over *lab.

arguably true but irrelevant: Alphabet's GV has invested, along with others, in GitLab (and they had already last year as well).

They haven't bought GitLab

Here are more details about Series C round of investment https://about.gitlab.com/2017/10/09/gitlab-raises-20-million....

Me too.

Gitlab, from my outside perspective, seems to be a company run with commonly accepted (here) best practicies through and through.

Very transparent to users, open core, very modern tech stack, entirely remote workforce, what more could you ask of a company? They aim to do things basically the way we as a community would ask.

How will it turn out? Anyone's guess :)

> Gitlab, from my outside perspective, seems to be a company run with commonly accepted (here) best practicies through and through.

Don't they have massive scaling problems? And didn't they delete their production database by mistake recently?

GitHub doesn't seem to have faced the same problems - so it seems difficult to argue GitLab has better practices.

> what more could you ask of a company?

Reasonable page response times?

Hey, thank you for the feedback. We are heavily focusing on performance improvements - both in the product (so that features run better)[1] and in our GitLab.com infrastructure team (so that GitLab.com runs more reliably)[2]. We stayed transparent about the database incident and people really appreciated that.

[1] - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests?label....

[2] - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/infrastructure/issues

> didn't they delete their production database by mistake recently

That was in February 2017 [0]. Not exactly recently IMO.

I recall that Github also had data loss and scaling issues back when they were starting up. Those days are now gone for them though.

[0] - https://about.gitlab.com/2017/02/01/gitlab-dot-com-database-...

February 2017 is very much recent days, though?

A year and a half in internet time might as well be a decade for the rest of the business world.

The real question is did they learn from their mistakes and implement better guardrails to prevent this from happening in the future?

I guess we will see how it turns out. I think the lesson here is that you can't just attempt to follow best practices and accepted wisdom without really thinking for yourself. (Nor would I argue they were clearly following best DB practices!)

> what more could you ask of a company?

Support for plugins?

For self-hosters like me, I like and recommend Gitea [1] (based on gog). Same workflow as GitHub, but in your own hands. You can open it up to the masses or keep it close to the vest, your call. A Docker version is available, but its Go-ness makes it super easy (and even lighter) to deploy on its own anyway.

[1] https://gitea.io/en-us/

I third this. I've installed/maintained and used gitolite, gitlab and gitea.

- gitolite: easiest to install and manage. But there's no web interface. Your entire workflow is with git itself (and maybe some SSH/Unix tricks/scripts).

- gitlab: huge, bloated beast. Many, many different components. Difficult to understand all the pieces. Uses a ton of ram and CPU cycles. UI and workflow is different from Github.

- gitea: single, stand-alone package. UI and work-flow is identical to Github. Given all that it does, it seems about as simple and light-weight as it could be. (My only pain point is that it's written in Go, with Go packages, and I don't really know anything about Go...)

I second this. Great for self-hosting on weaker machines or virtual servers and very simple setup in comparison. Such a sweet project!

If anyone is looking for a alternative without tech giants’ grasp on it, Git over IPFS (or SSB) might me a interesting solution.

Git over IPFS is already WIP:

There is mostly functional git remote - https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/git-remote-ipld - It's still missing "full" remote tracking with IPNS, that will get implemented soon after next go-ipfs release, so it's a bit weird to use now

Git portal is also taking shape: https://igis.io/ (also accessible via any gateway - https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipns/igis.io/). Git repo is at https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/IGiS (Dynamic features like pull-requests are hard).

Edit: formatting

Also, if you mostly use GitHub as a way to backup your code or to synchronise it between machines, and you're okay with spending a little bit, simply spin up a 5$/month VPS on digital ocean (or similar), set up your SSH keys, create bare git repos for your projects, and you're good to go. Private and simple.

Another alternative, Keybase recently launched encrypted git. https://keybase.io/blog/encrypted-git-for-everyone

Recently, like almost a year ago.

It's good, by the way.


Single Sideband Radio?

Secure Scuttlebutt

I was sharing the https://scuttlebot.io/apis/community/git-ssb.html linke an hour ago at this site :P

Some programmers were concerned about how Microsoft -- historically critical of open-source tools like GitHub and GitLab -- would change the platform as its new owner.

I wasn't aware MS was critical of GitHub and GitLab. Does anyone has more info on this?

Microsoft was historically critical of open-source tools (though not GitHub or GitLab because those didn't exist at the time): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween_documents

Seeing as GitHub's never been open source I wouldn't worry too much about the overall accuracy this statement.

There were the infamous Halloween documents from 20 years ago: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween_documents

It's a misleading sentence, I would say - Steve Ballmer was very critical of open source (he once called Linux "a cancer"), but this was certainly "historically", ie. quite some years before GitHub and GitLab even existed.

This would make more sense:

> historically critical of open-source tools that have its file hosted on GitHub and GitLab

Maybe it was overzealous editor and simplified it too much.

Critical of open-source tools.

For the benefit of the reader, they explain that GitHub and GitLab are (more or less) open-source tools.

GitLab is more or less open source; GitHub isn't. (Though it is arguably an 'open source tool' - i.e. 'tool _for_ open source'...)

That’s why I said “more or less”. And apart from being used for open-source, GitHub is obviously built upon git (which is open source).

"Alphabet’s role in funding the 350-person firm comes soon after it lost out to Microsoft in the bidding for GitHub. "

Can someone describe to me how bidding for companies like GitHub works? Is it a blind bid where the highest bidder is selected? Or are participants given the opportunity to up their bid against one another?

It should be noted that the “bid” also included the ceo to be. And that was a critical part of winning the bid.

There was certainly more to it than comparing two numbers.

Congrats to the whole Gitlab team! Great product and awesome people.

I'm always wondering why github is more successful than gitlab... What github has that gitlab can't offer ?

Perhaps it's just because GitHub came first?

The market segment of web hosted Git repositories was a relatively new and small market segment when GitHub got started back in 2008.

GitLab didn't appear until 2011, and at the time it didn't feel to me like a direct competitor. So GitHub had quite a bit of extra time to establish its presence and capture a large share of a growing market.

For a large chunk of GitHub's users, GitHub fulfills their needs well enough that they don't feel much motivation to make a change. Even if GitLab is better than GitHub for a person or company, it has to be better enough to be worth the pain of switching.

And I think for most users, that just isn't the case. Speaking anecdotally, there are some things about GitLab I like more than GitHub. And if I were starting out, I'd likely pick GitLab. But all of my code is on GitHub, and although I pay a monthly fee for private repos, it's small enough that it doesn't bother me.

Thank you for your feedback, we really appreciate your words. Here's the brief doc explaining how to easily import your project to GitLab if you missed it https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/import/github.html.

Thanks for the reply.GitLab's community outreach is certainly on point!

I haven't gone through that document yet, but I'll take a look.

I always assumed it was just because github came first and became incredibly popular before anyone had even heard of gitlab.

What GitHub has that GitLab didn't offer in my experience last year is a snappy website. Apart from that I'm a huge fan of GitLab, it is superior.

I believe that GitHub is more popular mainly because it was first, gained traction and became synonymous for some people with git itself, and open source.

Thanks for your feedback. You explained that really well using the word "popular". Here are more details why people are picking GitLab https://about.gitlab.com/2017/07/19/git-wars-switching-to-gi...

Social platform.

My guess is because GitHub is American, GitLab is European.

Good ol' Google. Shuts down code.google, promotes GitHub, then pays for competition.

Then buys competition, rolls competition into new code.google, then shuts down competition.

Then shuts down new code.google.

Then creates a new chat app

Social network. The second Wave.

Will they be holding back? I thought the new trend was to create a couple at the same time.

Heres a signing bonus, when can you start?

I don't want to nitpick, but the Article says Alphabet.

Alphabet is Google.

No, Alphabet is the parent company to Google. There's a slight difference.

A formal difference on paper. Top management actually transferred from google to alphabet when alphabet came to life.

It's Google plus companies that Google has spun off?

Google birthed a parent company called Alphabet.

Well I'll be.. A parent-child relationship more odd than those found in os process hierarchies.

I wonder if this is a sign Google is sad they didn’t acquire GitHub first and now feel a competitive pressure to do something.

There's been a few stories about the fact that Google was also interested in buying GitHub. I think the GitHub CEO felt Microsoft would be a better fit for them.

Google invested early in Gitlab. I'm not saying you're wrong, but they've been in this space for a long time already.

That's correct, here are more details about that. https://about.gitlab.com/2017/10/09/gitlab-raises-20-million...

Can we stop giving Google more control and influence over our lives? They're not any better than Microsoft.

The only thing I miss from Github is the traffic analysis, otherwise I’m fully content with Gitlab.

What are your thoughts on Auto DevOps? It seems that Gitlab is being perceived more and more as an end-to-end devops platform that is mostly automated but I've heard it doesn't work really well.

Potentially, very powerful. Running docker-based pipelines, deploying on kubernetes, and having it all integrated with the merge request review workflow is really, really nice. GitHub doesn't do anything at this level at all, even with third-party integrations.

Right now, I've got several local machines hooked up to gitlab.com as runners. A mixture of virtual machines for various platforms, and docker hosts. No kubernetes yet; but likely at some point.

The main problems are that sometimes gitlab.com is flaky. Pipeline jobs fail, never get started, or never complete. Not often, but enough that I can't guarantee things will work without manual prodding. I saw quite a few instances of this a few weeks ago, but it's been OK this week. Stuff like the runner timing out pulling a docker image, the job completing but not actually finishing, or the pages job running but the deploy step getting stuck with no way to debug it.

Other things are UI annoyances, like the pipeline status not updating frequently enough, leading to repeated manual page refreshes, particularly on navigating back in the history to the pipeline page from a specific job page.

Hey, PM at GitLab for CI/CD here. We're making a lot of investments in both the infrastructure supporting gitlab.com as well as the functionality and reliability of the CI pipelines themselves, including looking at intermittent issues and other patterns of reports coming in through our support team.

I'm really glad to hear you're excited about the way we integrate everything together.. that's something we're really proud of with our product and an area we're going to continue to invest in as well. This year we're going to explicitly plan things out so that we're building a breadcrumb trail back for all users to start taking advantage of those more advanced features.

You can check out the rest of our vision for 2019 here: https://about.gitlab.com/direction/verify - would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on it.

> .. trust Microsoft more

ducks in advance - I acknowledge that Microsoft and Google are not without sin, especially Google, but at least the coding and engineering teams of Google that I've been watching, namely the prolific #webperfmatters crowd behind free beer contributions such as SPDY, QUIC, WebM/WebP, mod/ngx_pagespeed, Brotli, HSTS pinning and leveraging other teams' Google assets like SERPs and Chrome padlock design to pressure the adoption of HTTPS use, at least that behavior, talent and energy seems to be in line with the gist of Github. These teams collaborate with organizations you (plural) find much less threatening, for example with Brotli (gzip alternative), there was collaboration between veteran Google and Mozilla developers, and now about 85% of us use browsers that have implemented Brotli support which, in addition to claims and my own testing, is across-the-board superior to gzip in this context. As for adoption on the server side, NGINX at least was open minded.

All the time independent developers cook up superior things to prevailing standards but, lacking the might of Google and Microsoft and Mozilla, their work seldom gains traction. Git* under control of Microsoft and Google could give the little guys with the superior code a better spotlight, a symbiotic win-win for everybody.

I am convinced guys like Ilya Grigorik and Colt Mcanlis show up to work, and to public lectures, with making the web faster as their objective. Were they pressured to insidiously exploit Gitlab to our detriment, they'd blow whistles to stop Google, like with AI collaborations with the military, or at least resign, I'd hope. They'd have better and nobler things to do than be party to that.

Judging from the pronounced skepticism and negative consensus among this crowd to such actions, I think you will do an effective job hedging the risks and "keeping them [Google, Microsoft] honest" with respect to treasures like Github and Gitlab, both in your scrutiny and the influence you wield.

I also think that, if they behave themselves, their control over Github/Gitlab may give them more return on their respective investments than were they to Do Evil. Further, if they can't resist their undesirable habits, or even if they do behave, a market has already been created for some sort of Lavabit-like set of competitors to emerge, and that should be regarded as a good thing as another consensus hereabouts has been, before Microsoft's involvement, that Github's growth was a threat and at odds with our interests.

That said, note the lack of citations in my comment indicating that this is nothing but unfounded devil's-advocate corporate-apologist Google-fanboy speculation on my part and that you all are probably right... Cheers everybody!

edit: Ouch, i thought that was more substantive than contrarian. Before this gets voted to death, could someone please offer a rebuttal? I'm often wrong and it could help me wake up.

I can well imagine a bidding war for Gitlab between Google and Oracle.

Please no.

Is there a GitHub/GitLab-like project using ActivityPub?

Thank you. I hope this will work!

And yet GCP (e.g., Code Repositories) only supports GitHub and BitBucket integration, not GitLab.

Ok Google, please leave Gitlab alone!

It needs a diff review system like Phabricators Differential

Apple buys Microsoft and becomes the first $2T company.

oh ok - now I get it...

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