IOW the EU is picking winners and losers in the market. If your business model is based on building models of user behavior and monetizing that, you will not be allowed to succeed. If your business model is based on holding a monopoly on the reproduction or display of entertainment, you will be allowed to succeed, at the expense of tech companies whose technologies might have otherwise made your business model obsolete.
The most likely outcome will be a distorted market in Europe and European tech companies becoming even less relevant and even less able to compete in other regions of the world.
Yes, it's codifying ethical standards into law. I take it you think the US banning slavery was overreach because it made certain business models illegal? You may disagree, but the basis of the GDPR is that privacy and control over your own personal data is a human right, so violating that right is no legitimate business model.
The most likely outcome will be a distorted market in Europe and European tech companies becoming even less relevant and even less able to compete in other regions of the world.