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Self driving cars also have prior experiences and a sense of what other drivers are doing and why. That's sort of the point of machine learning.

In fact, they will have a lot more prior experience than any human driver in the world.

Machine Learning still confuses Elephants for Cats.

While it's quite fun if you pin up a cat dressed up in an elephant costume and surely amuses a few colleagues, a self-driving car is not something that should confuse an Elephant for a Cat.

ML is IMO not reliable enough for use in self-driving cars, in complicated situations the driver should take over.

It's not reliable enough now, sure.

Similarly, my 6 year old is also not reliable enough to pilot a car.

Both will change as they mature.

Sure, multiple decades sounds about right (as opposed to current confusing statements like "has full self driving capabilities").

Unfortunately in the realm of machine learning, quantity does not equate quality.

The parent of any teenage driver can also attest to this.

They have a lot more experience driving, but humans do not only use their driving experiences as priors.

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