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> And ultimately, how can I know for sure that CloudFlare won't play the game where as acting as a proxy they will modify some of the files served? Imagine I want to retrieve cat.gif and cloudflare intercepts my request and serves me cat1.gif - I guess it all boils down to trusting them?

The hash serves that purpose, the file is identified by the hash for the purposes of retrieval and coming up with another file with the same hash (especially one that's usefully different, like changing the overall message in somebody's blog post) is computationally infeasible. Now you might have a problem there in that in a web only implementation like this the code that checks the hash is probably also provided by Cloudflare, but the functionality is there, you can download the file, compute the hash and compare it against the one you retrieved it from.

> But hold up, isn't p2p file system like this all about trusting the network and not 1 server?

Ideally yes but 1. it's very difficult to get more than a handful of users to use anything that doesn't run in a web browser, 2. IPFS' implementation for Windows is effectively unusable (it's a command line interface like the Linux one, which is a non-starter on Windows), 3. attempts to built a complete IPFS node in the browser are currently incomplete, I believe because DHT discovery isn't possible in the browser presently. These gateways should probably be viewed as a stop-gap solution until such a time as we can have full IPFS nodes in the browser.

This browser extension can help you guarantee e2e integrity in the meantime: https://blog.cloudflare.com/e2e-integrity/

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