> please post some real life real working code where in your mind usage of === is absolutely needed and I try my best to explain how I would tackle that with ==.
I think you're expending your energy for the wrong reasons. There is no need to be "clever" when writing code. Being explicit is always better. Being explicit is how bugs are avoided, how new people can enter your codebase, and how you can maintain your codebase in the future. If you spend time thinking about how to justify usage of something in your code, it has no justification being used.
Disagree. Nothing clever in this, just elementary JS knowledge. I claim that relying in types in dymanic language (always ===) is actually worse. Better is not rely on types.
The types are there, are to some extent you always have to rely on them. You can't call .push() on a string, or pass a number to Object.keys(). I can't imagine a situation where using == even works as you expect it to, aside from comparing numbers and strings that contain numbers. In which case the string should be converted to a number at the user input edge, as part of (but not the entire) input normalization, sanitation and validation phase.
Probably bad ;-) Seriously speaking all that comparison tables are pure academic stuff. In real code I honestly ever encountered a case where I have no clue whatsoever what both sides of equation are. To the claim that when you have such conditions, then you need to fix that and such code is bad to the bones. Real life code is much more boring - if (a == “b”) where there is no value possible for a where === would give different result. But, I like to alleviate that there is no beef for me in this discussion, i just wanted to show that, yes, someone still uses == and he is not looney ;-)
I think you're expending your energy for the wrong reasons. There is no need to be "clever" when writing code. Being explicit is always better. Being explicit is how bugs are avoided, how new people can enter your codebase, and how you can maintain your codebase in the future. If you spend time thinking about how to justify usage of something in your code, it has no justification being used.