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What's everyone's preferred tmux prefix key?

I use Ctrl-J. So many C-* keys interfere with Emacs / readline.

Backtick! I came up with it on my own, but a few months ago I did some analysis of tmux.conf files on github (via the GCP public db) and it turns out that it's the 3rd most common prefix (after Ctrl+A and Ctrl+Space).

C-o for me, for exactly the same reason

I have a nested setup with a "meta" screen session with escape key ^Z, which holds named "project" screen sessions with escape key ^O.

I background tasks in the shell seldom enough (because I'm always in screen) that I don't regret ^Z being slightly less convenient. ^O is a fairly unknown but very useful insert-mode binding in vim, but I use emacs these days so I don't notice it being escaped.

Before I used separate escape keys, it was maddening trying to remember how many times to hit ^A to send commands to which nested session.

C-o is moderately useful in emacs to move your current line down while the cursor stays on the newly created line.

C-Space so my thumbs (and ears) feel important.

Ctrl+A but I also remap caps lock to control.

c-x for me. with control on caps, it feels quite comfortable.

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