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If you are going to include remote effects like competition from poor people getting education, you also need to include an infinite amount of other effects; in particular world stability, the chances of terrorist attacks, 3rd world war, refugee crises, trade wars etc

With the technology we have now the world does in fact have plenty of resources to have basic needs satisfied for everyone (e.g., we throw away many times more food than what it would take to fix hunger). There is no actual need to compete. Such a world is safer for everyone, including the rich, and Bill Gates is one of many working long term towards that goal.

See lifting the poor as a rather cheap insurance against political instability.

We are always one major war or one generation away from having the entire system toppled, and the very meaning of "property rights" that make the rich rich overturned. Civilizations are not forever, whatever the people currently at the top may hope for.

Intentionally keeping the poor poor, and keep concentrating wealth, is not a recipe for stability.

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