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Motion sickness is definitely strange.

I flew for the first time a few months ago (typical commercial flight) and when taking off while simultaneously making a turn, it felt like my stomach was in my shoes and really messed with me. Nothing was spinning but it felt very unpleasant and unsettling. It's now happened 3 times since then.

Laying way back in a dental chair also causes me to feel dizzy to the point where they always have to put me at a steeper angle, especially my neck / head.

When trying to fall asleep, I would say like 2% of the time I will get a weird feeling and I feel forced to sit up and find an object in the room to get oriented. That one is really crazy because it feels like things are spinning but it goes immediately away when I see anything in the room.

However, if I lay back on a floor I can deal with it for a few minutes, but I always feel dizzy when I get up. I also hate the feeling of having my head lower than my body too. Like laying half on a bed with my head near the floor. Doesn't make me dizzy but it feels like a massive amount of head rush pressure. I see people doing situps upside down, long handstands and being on those flip boards so I have to think what I feel is not normal. Not sure if it's all related.

I have no problems in cars, trains, boats, playing FPS games, bobbing cameras, etc.. I also enjoyed roller coasters but I haven't been on one in like 20 years so who knows now.

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