DO NOT CLICK THE LINK! Hour later I am still unable to restart my phone. It hangs on logo!! This may be a permanent fuck ;( unsure exact version but I have iOS 7 that hasnt been updated in about six months.
If you use iCloud for Safari, you can close another device's Safari tab from your Mac. click the iCloud tabs icon on desktop Safari, then click the circle-x to close the offending tab.
Seems like on restart Safari wants to revisit previously opened pages and crashes again ad infinitum. Isn't there a way to cold-restart iOS devices or some such (like the magic "Zap NVRAM and repair permissions" procedure back in PowerMac times)?
I'm sure you're in the absolute minority. Most people want all apps, including the browser, to stay the way they were when they closed them, even after a reboot
I sure as heck want my tabs back. But I'd settle for "restore tabs" as I have to do that a lot in chrome on my MacBook Pro. On my Android, the tabs are just there and I really appreciate it. I have over a dozen tabs open on my phone and two dozen on my laptop.
It’s very convenient, but isn’t that scenario better covered by hibernating the os? That covers all app and doesn’t require any app to have special behaviour coded in
If I never had to restart, sure. I have to restart my laptop weekly at least. Heck, it locked up twice last week opening Diablo 3 forcing a hard power cycle. My phone gets restarted less often but still gets into odd states where a reboot is needed.
tangential, but check out that your power supply is ok, that's the second most common source of random lockups during load (I assume drivers are up to date, that'd be the first)
But that’s why you need a “safe start mode” where you can start the app with a clean slate. Several Microsoft Office apps do this now. Given iOS’s repeated “crash loop” issues you’d think they’d have learnt by now.
I'm in that minority too, I guess. There's nothing more grating than to explicitly close all tabs, only to be asked whether you want to open them again. For me, tabs are like this useless plaque that slowly accumulates and needs to be blown away every two or three days.