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Gsuite also had inbox and Gmail and they are not free. Users who pay for those care. Next time I have to make a choice on Google product, most likely will reject it coz I can't really on them to either maintain it or give actual human support either

MS is probably supporting XP in the embedded world. If you are not selling to consumers you have to be prepared to do that

Only if the administrator has allowed Inbox. Mine doesn't. Maybe most of them don't and so keeping it alive can't be justified.

That's the difference between with MS and Google(i.e. enterprise and consumer), it doesn't matter how small the user base is, once a feature/product is GA to paying customers, you maintain it for a reasonable amount of time (>>> 1 year ) If you are not sure whether it will have usage/ interest, do your research , but once you go GA stick to it. Even if you are maintaining it for one customer, it shows the commitment you are showing to your customer , builds a lot of confidence on the vendor - Google doesn't get mine today.

   * I meant the SLA for notice of deprecation not the lifetime of the product

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