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Exactly. What google doesn't seem to 'get' is that email + searchable database = life. I email stuff to myself, or bcc: myself, all the time. If all emails were in a searchable database, perhaps with automatic clustering to group associations, all very fast -- that's killer sticky. The emails, plus stuff on gdocs, gdrive, etc, all fully searchable? Gold. (Yes, non-trivial privacy concern, but no personal data should reside un-encrypted in the cloud, and decryption should happen locally in the browser.)

> no personal data should reside un-encrypted in the cloud, and decryption should happen locally in the browse

How do you expect search to work?

Facebook’s search is bad too... so nobody has mastered personal search.

No money in that. They'd rather show you some relevant results interspersed with ads and irrelevant results.

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