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I'm so tired of this decision making process in business: well our statistics say <5% of people want feature X so lets just kill X to streamline.

Just stop. Please. Analytics != insight. Meetings should stop being won by whoever prints off the the most tables and visualizations, because gasp sometimes that leads to the wrong decision.

I don’t get this. Features complicate products and require maintenance. By your logic, features would never get built because they’d carry a lifelong burden.

I think the idea is that the ‘long tail’ of users that such use features can still be 10s of millions for google, and preserving can act as a most preventing these power users from seeking alternatives.

And then taking other users with them.

It's not linear. GCD haven't got traction (and billions of revenue) it might have now because of shutdown of some products like Reader. And that's oversimplified example actually.

People's minds are not linear, especially when they make decisions. The only market when you can do well with raw numbers only is cheapest 10%, when all competition is about price, and customers have zero loyalty whatsoever.

Chalk one up to exactly that. I recommend against GCP exactly because of the Reader SNAFU (among others).


A typo, Google Cloud Platform.


It's the frustration of people building their workflow on those features that is talking. It's very irritating when you find yourself in the position during your hard earned vacation to (once again) have to find a new option for something that your company needs to function.

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