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Who knows which of our past comments will come back to bite us as society becomes less tolerant of ideas.

Your desired solution only deepens such problems. It agrees that one is guilty and deserving of being fired instead of pushing back against that idea.

Disney recently fired someone for decade old tweets. Shortly thereafter, some publication stood by its decision to hire someone when their old not PC tweets came to light.

Civil liberties can be lost at any point in time. Gaining them doesn't guarantee them in perpetuity. They need to be guarded and promoted.

Your proposed solution does the opposite of that.

Falling on your sword is a great sentiment. But not everyone has the luxury of pushing back and risking their livelyhood and the income that feeds, clothes, and shelters themselves and their family.

It’s hard to call those tweets ‘not PC’. Patently offensive, yes, but clearly in line with political correctness.

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