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Soverin sounds like a good project. What do you make of the fact that the warrant canary hasn't been updated since May, though?


That's a poorly phrased warrant canary. Aren't warrant canaries intended to be for FISA-type warrants?

Aren't warrant canaries valid until removed? Dates on them don't matter.

It says "Up to date as of: 2018-05-22". That seems to imply that it may have been invalidated at some later point. If it is valid until removed, then it shouldn't have a date at all.

Got to assume that anything online is being gobbled up by a security service somewhere.

My email may not be 100% safe (what is?), but at least it’s not being used to sharpen an ad-targeting algorithm.

Does Gmail even have a warrant canary? I don't think so, so comparing apples to apples it seems like a wash.

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