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Precisely. I can be as pissed at Google as they come, ready to pick up my pitchfork, but at the end of the month when I spent $120,000 on adwords and made $280,000 in profit as a return, I will gladly tattoo Google logo on my chest.

The scary part is they will sunset gmail eventually. I know from someone inside “L team” that founders hate how much headache gmail brings for such little return. Initially started at the boom of free email providers with fancy always-updating clock of how many extra megabytes you just got in last few seconds, fastforward today there is no money to be make in providing free email.

As they failed to secure sale for a reasonable amount and on fair conditions, expect eventually they will offer to keep paid accounts and auto forward anyone else to another provider for a year or so and then sunset gmail free only leaving gmail enterprise on.

More than a billion people use Gmail, and it continues to serve as the gateway for many people to the Google ecosystem. I, for one, doubt they would sunset it any time soon.

They still scan your Gmails though? I'd think the information they gather this way would still be worth something even if they don't "personalize" their own ads with it.

Last year they said they were going to suspend the practice of scanning the content of consumer emails


I thought they "wouldn't go there," hence the hullabaloo when Yahoo "went there?"

Everyone scans emails. Google was just a high profile example and there was some backlash because they used for ads, not for "spam prevention", or "anti-virus".

Not a chance. Gmail is the gateway to their cloud storage and office products. There is not way they will get rid of free Gmail. Maybe cut back on the free storage. But even that...

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