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To put a positive suggestion forward, Google could consider giving all services a "sunset guarantee

I'd honestly even settle with something like a program where users can choose to enroll in these programs in some sort of test phase. Maybe put some kind of marker in the name or even on the logo that clearly informs and denotes "this product might not last long, it might go into production, it may die after 3 years, you have been warned".

There's a word for this but for some reason it eludes me (and apparently eludes google as well). At least it'd soften the blow when they inevitably roll things up on one of these so designated services.

> There's a word for this but for some reason it eludes me (and apparently eludes google as well).

Beta? Developer Preview?

Google (mis)uses both already. Heck Gmail was in Beta for years (5? Not sure, but that seems the right ballpark).

wasn't gmail in beta for like 5 years?

Gmail itself was in beta, until recently. Everything was in beta.

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