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I hate their “new” tabs that tries to categorize emails. It’s just extra clicks to get to the emails I want. It’s forced me to go back to a dedicated email app.

What are you talking about man? You can easily turn it off in "configure inbox" section.

Can you? If so it’s not obvious at all.

Yea but disables other things as well. Like the ability to snooze

Enabling/disabling tabs via "Configure Inbox", or through Settings > Inbox > Categories does not effect the ability to snooze. The only thing it effects is whether emails are sorted into different tabs or not.

Tabs were not something just introduced in the new UI, the have been in Gmail for 5 years. You can turn them off in settings, or drag and drop emails into different tabs to train it. Gmail has a very high degree of customization and available settings.

I never knew you could drag and drop to retrain. That needs to be more discoverable.

The feature/lab "Multiple Inboxes" overrides this. That's why I have been using and continue to use through Inbox and all the latest Gmail changes.

I wish there were something in between Multiple Inboxes and tabs. I would like to make my own tabbed categories for my inbox.

You are looking for Labels.

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