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> The resulting behavior appears effectively undefined to the programmer, because the point of invariants is to ignore what would happen when they are broken.

I still think there are big differences here, especially when we think about these things as security issues.

If you write a program that's supposed to draw some pixels to the screen, and you have a logic bug, you program is going to draw the Wrong Pixels (https://xkcd.com/722). But your program isn't going to install a rootkit on your machine, or mine bitcoins, or send all your spreadsheets to the bad guys. If you never call the `mine_bitcoins()` function anywhere in your program, there's no way a logic bug can make you somehow call that function.

Not so with undefined behavior. An attacker who exploits a buffer overrun in your program can make you do anything. This almost sounds paranoid, but as soon as your code is taking input from the internet, this is really truly the problem you have. This sort of problem is why projects like Chrome spend millions of dollars building security sandboxes for their C++ code, and researchers still keep coming up with ways to break it.

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