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>We can’t simply be. We feel compelled to always do.

>We can’t allow ourselves a moment of self-inflicted boredom.

>We’re scared of where this boredom will take us.

>Of what we will hear in our heads if we lapse into true silence: hopes, dreams, shame, embarrassment… Fear of failure.

>We want to be entertained, constantly. The alternative — introspection — intimidates us.

I don't know about this one. I'm sure it's different for everyone, but boredom to me comes from "being entertained". My inspiration to "do" rather than to "be" comes from introspection. I'm rarely satisfied unless I'm learning about something or contributing to something-- and usually I like to do this alone, because I know what I like to learn and contribute and only I can do that best. Everything goes wrong when I seek out entertainment, so I usually don't.

These lines are kind of patronizing, or feel that way. Not everyone seeks out online psuedo-connection because they're afraid of being alone; some of us, most of us, have an idea of our direction in life, know what we're doing and why.

Maybe the article is a message to those who actually feel lonely. I'm not sure. But I disagree with a few sentiments.

I second this. Someone who is alone yet spends large chunks of their time on entertainment (facebook, instagram, snapchat, netflix, etc.) may just be deferring being "in the moment" and the positive benefits or learning, working or thinking alone are not realized in that case.

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