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> weeks of overseas travel where nobody knows him and he doesn't talk much are great fun for him

This sounds like me. I once went to a week long conference where I realized at the end that during the entire week I could count on 2 hands the number of words I had spoken to other people during that time. I don't have the desire or need to speak with other people. I'm happy with my own thoughts. Or as Jane Austen wrote, "Her own thoughts and reflections were habitually her best companions."

>>I don't have the desire or need to speak with other people. I'm happy with my own thoughts.

I used to believe this about myself too. Then one day I came to the profound realization that I do in fact have both the need and the desire to talk to others. I had just been suppressing it by using my own thoughts as a distraction.

Well, I’ve been married for 23 years and we have 7 kids. Plus I have tons of friends. I have no problem finding people to talk to. But I know myself. I truly have no need or desire to talk to others.

Jane Austen is another person.

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