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One of the interesting points in the article is: “embrace the boredom”. That’s what I tell my 7-yo repeatedly. Boredom makes you more creative.

Just curious. How does your 7-year-old respond?

He’s not too convinced at first. But most of the time he ends up with something fun. Which I use as an example the next time he says That he’s bored. As a single child he’s already used to spend some time alone. So it’s relatively rare that we hear “I’m bored”.

“...but that’s boring!!!”

>“embrace the boredom”. That’s what I tell my 7-yo repeatedly. Boredom makes you more creative.

Being creative is the opposite of embracing the boredom because you're fighting it by being creative.

Well, alright. I don’t use the word “embrace” with him in any case.

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