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Loads of people have been on keto for years without dropping dead. Carbs aren't absolutely necessary.

>> Carbs aren't absolutely necessary.

My personal experience says otherwise. Whenever I have tried to reduce carbohydrate intake my system goes haywire. I suffer constipation, body aches, overall weakness in body during night while sleeping, I sleep worse. I workout every day and I have realized carbs are extremely important (even though I try to take plenty of protein). When I resume carbs most of the problems I cited above, go away.

That's keto-flu. Everyone experiences it when they first start keto.

Supplement with electrolytes.

And eating too many grams of protein causes gluconeogenesis.

As my sibling comment says there's something called keto flu. Have you tried sticking to strict low carb for approximately two weeks or more?

I personally have no problems with a keto diet, and I feel much better and less bloated. But people respond differently to it. If you feel it doesn't work for you, don't do keto.

To follow up on this, the reason is that excess protein is converted to carbohydrates in the body. It’s more expensive, and takes work to eliminate urea derivatives, but as long as someone is getting enough protein, they will be okay. There are risks to having too many saturated or polyunsaturated fats, but those risks aren’t inherent in low carb dieting.

I don't know whether keto is ultimately good or bad but this isn't a very good argument.

People do tons of things that are unhealthy but don't lead to immediate death. Loads of people smoke for years without dropping dead as well.

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