As mentioned multiple times, if they did this the judge would simply deny the entire fine and suit and they'd have to pay you damages and they'd likely receive a cease&desist order from the court.
You must inform parties of violations and allow for adequate time to react to them. Sending an email is already a nono for legal notices as there is no guarantee that the other party even received the mail properly.
The only way to properly and legally verifiably send them is to have a write-in mail which the receiver must sign with their signature before receiving. For everything else you might as well send money in an envelope ahead of time.
This is not a mere fact this is established procedure.
>Besides there's no guarantee the parties will automatically act rationally and drop the claims of infringement before threatening court, merely because you claim you were sleeping.
That's not what I've been saying, I've been saying that the infringement still needs to be dealt with but you can obviously not react when you are asleep.
Are you talking about this from experience?
or just plain (outside-EU) theory?
In practice though, most of EU gov-burocracy, incl. courts, prosecutors, statisticians, taxation, food-control, cultural/educational, whoever, esp. in recently-joined former-this-or-that countries, exist mostly in order to make work to each other = i.e. support/keep the whole system. Sadly, that is the reality.
And yes, they may charge u of (inexisting) offense (and even without sending u email), if that has any chance of putting oil in the cogwheels for some years. No matter what, the state does not lose.. it just somebody's nerves and taxpayers money wasted, but who cares.
As mentioned multiple times, if they did this the judge would simply deny the entire fine and suit and they'd have to pay you damages and they'd likely receive a cease&desist order from the court.
You must inform parties of violations and allow for adequate time to react to them. Sending an email is already a nono for legal notices as there is no guarantee that the other party even received the mail properly.
The only way to properly and legally verifiably send them is to have a write-in mail which the receiver must sign with their signature before receiving. For everything else you might as well send money in an envelope ahead of time.
This is not a mere fact this is established procedure.
>Besides there's no guarantee the parties will automatically act rationally and drop the claims of infringement before threatening court, merely because you claim you were sleeping.
That's not what I've been saying, I've been saying that the infringement still needs to be dealt with but you can obviously not react when you are asleep.