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Automatically Compressing Your Amazon S3 Images Using Yahoo’s Smush.it Service (yahoo.com)
54 points by drp on Oct 15, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

I just used Smush.it to optimise a couple of images on http://lanyrd.com/ (the logo and the background image) and it knocked a good 5KB off the page load - not too bad at all.

Our filenames are generated from the truncated SHA1 hash of the file contents, so logo.png becomes logo.16c7e567.png - which means we can safely set a far-future expires header and serve through Amazon CloudFront without worrying about changes to the images, JavaScript or CSS not propagating to the live site.

Thanks for the example. You can do another 1KB better than Smush did for you:

A mirror of your logo: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/imurray2/tmp/logo.16c7e567.png

A smaller file: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/imurray2/tmp/logo.squish.png

My notes on squishing images: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/imurray2/compnotes/squish_imag...

Neat - thanks for that.

Autosmush scans your S3 bucket, runs each file through Smush.it, and replaces your images with their compressed versions.

I think I'm in love.

Depending on how many images you have. Doesn't that mean that it has to download each image and then re-upload them? Could be quite a cost for minimal savings if you have a large number of images to store.

Edit: I'm talking about 20,000+ product images, not the images or files associated with a layout.

Wouldn't it be free (or close to it) if you run it on an EC2 instance?

> Could be quite a cost for minimal savings if you have a large number of images

Could be, could be a large saving for minimal investment in time+money. depends on how much downloading of the images occurs normally.

> minimal savings

For me this isn't about saving money, it's about load time.

The blog post mentions how he fixes the issue (at least for repeated runs)

Is there a tool that can do this for a local directory? I have Google'd but could not find one.


There's a bunch of others on Github but this is the only one I've personally used.


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