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Storing the running state of the program that's writing to the... serial port or whatever... is a solved issue. Most emulators and virtual machines can do this. For example, VMWare Workstation can do it. Simics can do it. Qemu can do it.

The state of an entire OS, with all running programs, gets saved. It's more complete than when a laptop/notebook does suspend-to-disk. The emulator saves the CPU registers, the RAM, the disks, the parallel port mode, etc.

The trouble is that a connected terminal is not included in that list.

There isn't anything writing to the serial port. The process of writing to the serial port is fast enough that the IO isnt the problem. What you're after is the capture of stuff that has already been outputted on the terminal and that can be captured. It's called a scroll back buffer history. Some terminals can even make that persistent.

You keep trying to reinvent terminals with features that already exist to solve a problem that needs to be fixed in the server itself.

I didn't see a "reply" link below. This is a https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17949657 response.

I emulate lots of different things. I'll make up an extra-simple case to illustrate the problem.

The guest OS running in the emulator is just a bootable floppy image for testing. All it does is print a counter to the serial port, once per hour. Just after 3 hours it has written 0, 1, 2, 3. At this point I make a snapshot file named 0123.snap and let the software continue running. More numbers get printed. Eventually the terminal is showing 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I decide that I wish to go back in time, so I issue a command to load the 0123.snap file into the emulator. The internal state of the emulator warps back to the point at which I took the snapshot. The CPU registers, the RAM, and everything else within the emulator are now as they were earlier. The terminal retains the old state however, because it is a separate program with no awareness of the fact that I just loaded the 0123.snap file into my emulator. The guest OS carries on from the original point of course, since that is what the CPU and RAM state dictates, so a "4" will be printed next. The terminal then shows 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4. The numbers are simply wrong. They should be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

I can only avoid this fate by saving full terminal state whenever I save the emulator state, and of course restoring it at the same time too. There is no reasonable way to extract terminal state from a separate terminal program. (attacking it with ptrace is not reasonable) I thus conclude that the terminal must be built into the emulator.

> I can only avoid this fate by saving full terminal state whenever I save the emulator state, and of course restoring it at the same time too. There is no reasonable way to extract terminal state from a separate terminal program. (attacking it with ptrace is not reasonable) I thus conclude that the terminal must be built into the emulator.

It's called a "terminal multiplexer" and that is exactly what I suggested with the tmux solution right from the bloody start. I've lost track of how many times I've said this needed to be solved on the server yet you repeatedly pushed back on both points when they were made, insisting it was a terminal emulator issue on the client side.

I'm normally not a BSD user. I'm more familiar with "screen" than "tmux". To me, a "terminal multiplexer" is a physical piece of hardware. It has numerous slow serial lines to which one may attach terminals, modems, or consoles. It time-multiplexes them to/from a single high-speed link, typically by interleaving the streams of data bit by bit.

I don't see tmux being available as a library that I could link into my emulator. If it can be a library, then yes my emulator could implement the tmux protocol. This turns out to be almost exactly what I was proposing, with the terminal state implemented by a library within the emulator. I'd just be missing the user-friendly aspect of automatically popping up the terminal windows when my emulator starts, but perhaps that could be arranged by having the emulator start xterm running tmux.

This is comparable to using vnc protocol for VGA. I have this implemented, but nobody likes to use it. Everybody prefers the built-in video window to show the guest's VGA.

If you meant to not link in the tmux code though, that won't work.

Instead of insisting that there is a terminal emulator issue on the client side, I insist that there not be a distinct client. The code that tracks terminal state (cursor position, current character attributes, etc.) pretty much needs to live in the emulator. That is the only reasonable way to ensure that the state can be saved and restored by the emulator. Actually displaying this state could be done by connecting a client (annoying) or just by popping up a window.

Another nice thing about having the terminal windows built into the emulator is that they all go away when the emulator does, even if that is a crash.

To be honest I think you've decided on the worst possible way to solve your problem. But good luck with your endeavour non-the-less. :)

I think it is unavoidable. It follows naturally from insisting on user-friendly snapshots.

It is typical for emulator authors to just give up, letting the terminal be inconsistent after loading a snapshot.

So far I've done just that... but my users love loading snapshots.

This whole conversation is weird, and I'm really not sure what is missing from my explanation. In case you missed it, I am an author of an emulator. I write the emulation, and my emulator supports guest software that needs terminals.

The serial port is an emulated 16550 chip. It is much more than a PTY. It has clock divider registers, an interrupt cause register, a transmit holding register, etc.

Scroll back buffer history won't let me untype something. If I take a snapshot, then a character is output to the terminal, and then I load that snapshot, the character needs to disappear from the screen. Of course, "character" could be something more destructive, like a scrolling operation or the clearing of a line.

I'm the author of several serial interfaces for 8 bit micros plus a bunch of Linux terminal solutions. If you've taken a snapshot of the server and restore that then it should resume where you left it. All the terminal emulator then needs to do is restore a scroll back session. Thus when you press backspace (or whatever) on the terminal emulator it would transmit that character to the server and the server side software will understand that a character has been deleted.

If you disable local echo and have the server side software handle that (like how the SSH protocol works) then it becomes even easier because you then also manage the terminal state (to some degree) via the server as well.

I've written quite a bit of software around this kind of area and I really doesn't sound like a problem that hasn't already largely been solved. I mean if you're feeling really lazy you could just build a terminal server that supports detachable sessions (eg tmux or screen) and that would get around the scroll back issues without you having to write a single line of code.

Like I said, I've done a lot of work with serial interfaces much more archaic than what you've described and have been able to get them working without having to write too much magic. So I suspect you've over thought your problem because it still seems really straightforward to solve from this latest description. Like I said before, terminals literally are just flows of text (ironically there's even less complexity there since you're dealing with serial interfaces rather than PTYs) so all you actually need to do is ensure your terminals output is persistent - which is actually a surprisingly easy job.

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