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Did you read the whole article?

"The focus right now, they say, is on identifying all the ways people use URLs to try to find an alternative that will enhance security and identity integrity on the web while also adding convenience for everyday tasks like sharing links on mobile devices."

My statement is clearly supported by the article. They paint a rosy picture of it, because this is a submarine piece, but they are definitely making moves against the url.

> My statement is clearly supported by the article.

You're ignoring a direct quote in favor of a Wired reporter paraphrase (one which mentions sharing links, no less). They cite an earlier effort, which was a display change. This issue is for a display change. None of this points to "trying to do away with URLs".

>"None of this points to 'trying to do away with URLs'"

Except for that "trying to identify an alternative" part. But let's ignore that, because doing so makes you comfortable.

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