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How about displaying an identicon, that is rendered from the domain, in the address bar? People might soon learn what the icons of their important sites look like and will easily detect if somebody is trying to phish their bank account.

The space of easily visually distinguishable images has a certain size. Let's assume there's a deterministic, pseudorandom mapping from domains to images. For a given domain, how many plausible impostor domains are there? What's the chance that there's at least one impostor domain that happens to get the same image?

If you have 1000 distinct images, but a given domain has 5 letters that could each be replaced with any of 3 visually identical Unicode characters, then, well, the chances are very high that there exists a plausible impostor domain with the same image. I don't think this is a very workable approach.

Yes, I admit it's hard to get something like this secure. It's in the same problem space like hash functions and might require some research.

FWIW, OpenSSH already does this and calls it "randomart".

Right, didn't think of this.

We might even call it "favicon", for the fun of it… :-)

Any fake-Facebook website can copy Facebook's favicon, so that wouldn't add any security at all.

An identicon is a hash value represented as an icon. "facebook.com", for instance, may hash to a red image with a yellow line through it. While you wouldn't remember the icon initially, over time you would – or at least your subconsious would. If you ever visisted a fake-Facebook, you'd immediately notice that something was wrong if the icon suddenly was green with a blue dot in it, for instance.

Not sure if serious, but no. Anyone can copy a favicon; the point of an identicon is that it's generated from the domain name, so subverting it would require an attacker to find a hash collision with a visually similar domain.

Sorry, I mistook "that is rendered from the domain" for "rendered from a resource from the domain".

However, teach users to read domain names! If users do not grasp the general concept, e.g., if the supposed identity is just "example" (possibly with some decoration considered insignificant) and not "example.com", how are they supposed to survive? Domains have been around for more than a quarter of a century, the Internet is actually part of our lives… There is no excuse, and there is no sense in pretending that there was no harm in not understanding the basics. That said, there are real ambiguities that have to be addressed.

Yes, it would be nice if every child would learn these basics in school.

Which would be called computer literacy. I find it both awesome and terrifying that people can successfully do jobs that require working on a computer and still be computer illiterates. Awesome in a sense that it illustrates how good computer interfaces actually are and terrifying in a sense that in any profession with heavy machinery a person with a solution "adjust switches and dials until something happens" would be told to immediately vacate the place for safety reasons.

Yes, learning to be good consumers is way more important than basic skills such as maths, reading, writing and general critical thinking /s

We do teach kids not to talk to strangers in the street and consider it quite important, I think. What's so much different about teaching them how not to get robbed on-line? It's not about being a good consumer, but about minding your own feet.

Yeah, cause moving from a text domain with no collision possible to some sort of collision prone visual system to ensure are able to understand the domain they are viewing seems like a great idea.

FFS, if users cant see that somedomainname.com is different than somedomanname.com how does a randomized image of the domain name based on a hash solve this.

I'm not saying it's a good idea. I don't think it is. But it's not just a favicon.

How is the identicon designed such that its difficult to spoof?

I know of at least one site which users a user selected image in the login screen to thwart phishing attempts. Because its user selected its memorable, I think more so than a password for example. It would be hard for a scammer to spoof as well because they don't know the image the user selected when they created the account.

Unfortunately this would probably be less notable and thus memorable if everyone did it.

I dedicated a blog post to this idea: https://vorba.ch/2018/url-security-identicons.html

Here is the discussion on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17947467

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