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So the USD 3 000 000 000 figure is summed up on page 3 as so:

            18 000 000      Devs worldwide
    *           51 000      USD Global Domestic Product per dev
       918 000 000 000      Global Domestic Product of all devs
    *                 .316  Percent efficiency loss per survey
       290 088 000 000      USD loss for all devs globally
So the report suggests (I think) that while companies lament about a lack of devs, they're wasting a significant proportion of their existing devs' efforts. (Other commenters here question whether that's "too much" waste.)

I'll wager that we're seeing the result of management practices that don't properly leverage the ability of computers to bring competitive advantage to organizations. Instead, we see organizations struggle with the need to totally rethink their approach given the powerful tool that computing brings. Furthermore, my bet is that most organizations won't successfully transition, and that a new breed will take over.

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