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not the least bit worried. It'snot about performance, it's reliability. When you're a big cloud provider, only a miracle can get you to use a chip from a no-name company that no one else has dog food-ed. Then there's the actual number being marketed, there's been no independent verification. Right now, this is a fancy P.R hit piece

No, NVidia should be very worried. There is a huge uproar in the community with some of the practices NVidia has forced like you must use 3X expensive version of same GPUs in data center. Even consumer GPUs are in short supply. Most of the people are not using massive complex rendering pipelines that these GPUs have but they are paying in terms of price and wattage. There is a huge demand for consumer version of TPU like chips and the market is going to eat up any similarly performing alternatives. Lot of gain in NVidia's revenue comes from blockchain and deep learning segment. Much of these gain is at risk by chips like TPU or Groq. It is quite surprising that NVidia hasn't announced any competing product and I hope they don't get sleeping at the wheel while this big wave is about to hit the market.

> Most of the people are not using massive complex rendering pipelines that these GPUs have but they are paying in terms of price and wattage.

This is not how compute on GPUs works now, or since G80 was released in 2006. The "massive complex rendering pipeline" doesn't even light up.

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