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> Basically the same reason why very few people use Emacs or Vim nowadays.

Wow, this is such a bold statement; do you have any evidence to support this? In my experience a very great majority of engineers use vim or emacs. In US, I've never been in a culture where emacs or vim is used by a minority. In my current work, which is a startup in Boston, everyone except 2 developers use emacs. I googled for evidence to support me, but I couldn't find any solid evidence neither supporting nor disputing me.

We appear to be living in very different bubbles then.

The best evidence I could find is the Stackoverflow Survey [1]. Around the middle it asks for the "most popular development environments" (multiple selection possible). The leaders are Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio and Notepad++ with 34% each, followed by Sublime. Vim is fifth place, Emacs 15th place with just 4.1%. But it's heavily dependent on the community you look at, for example Vim is less popular with mobile developers and very popular with sysadmins/devops.

There is also a "prefered code editor" in the golang survey. Vim is second most popular, yet Vim and Emacs make for only a combined 16%.

According to the Rust survey [3] the rust community seems to love Vim though. 46% use Vim and 15.4% use Emacs.

A Python survey [4](by Jetbrains) has Vim at 10% and Emacs at 3%.

So from a quick look Emacs seems to be used by 2-4% of developers on a regular basis, while Vim use varies heavily between communities. So I might have to retract my statement on Vim, but I feel reasonably confident to say that Emacs is used by a tiny minority of people.

1: https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2018/

2: https://blog.golang.org/survey2017-results

3: https://blog.rust-lang.org/2017/09/05/Rust-2017-Survey-Resul...

4: https://www.jetbrains.com/research/python-developers-survey-...

Very interesting result. I wonder how did I manage to keep finding startups that use emacs or end up in friend circles that use emacs in college. Makes me very curious now.

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