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It's incredible how well documented and rich of information is the article. I'm Italian and I could not find in any Italian newspapers all the information that I needed! It makes me aware of how poor is the information in my country!

True, but those are technical ones. I couldn't find any article explaining what a "strallo" is, in fact "cos'è uno strallo" (what is a straw) seems to be a common search based on Google's autocomplete.

>True, but those are technical ones. I couldn't find any article explaining what a "strallo" is, in fact "cos'è uno strallo" (what is a straw) seems to be a common search based on Google's autocomplete.

It's not a "straw", it is a "stay" in English.

Strallo is a term mutuated from boats, a sail boat has a mast (albero) that is kept vertical and strong by one or more sets of "stays" (stralli):



On the sail boat the function of the stay is "opposite" to that of a bridge stay, it is used to keep the mast pressed to the base and more rigid, on a bridge they are simply "suspension supports" allowing to carry the weight of the viaduct deck and transferring the vertical load to the tower or pylon (torre o antenna).




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