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Slightly off topic, but they way they changed the info graphic as you scrolled was _really_ cool! This is one of the rare cases where extra JavaScript makes sense - it really improves the experience.

NYT is famous for their beautiful yet informative scrolling infographics:


Thanks, now I have to click the link ;-)

EDIT: the effect is really quite cool and actually useful unlike other animations!

By "cool" do you mean it helped you read the article? I'm curious because I had the exact opposite response, I actually quit reading the article at that point. I think it might work better on a small screen, but I was reading it on a full size monitor with the window maximized. It actually took more time to scroll to the next sentence than it took to read the sentence. I found it too annoying to concentrate on the content.

I found the opposite, that article is really irritating to read, I gave up a few pages down.

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