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You might be interested in ImageJ [0] or FIJI [1] (which is ImageJ bundled with a bunch of plugins).

It can:

1.) handle hyperspectral images

2.) handle images with 32-bit floating-point pixels

3.) handle gigantic images, streaming from disk as necessary

4.) record edits as a macro, which can be replayed on other images

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of, and a little searching didn't uncover, any capability for handling complex pixel values. This could be (poorly) implemented with 2-channel images and some user macros for specially manipulating them.

[0] https://imagej.net/Welcome

[1] http://fiji.sc/

Thanks! There's plenty of software that supports these features (and does not require you to touch any--gasp--java). I am just sad that these basic things are not readily available in GIMP, which could otherwise attempt to be a sort of generic tool for image processing. They seem to be focused too much in color photography, while the tool is not directly useful to people working with images that are not of this kind (e.g., astronomical images, microscopy, satellite, radar, and mathematical image processing).

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