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> above the line (e.g. billboards), below the line offline (e.g. snail mail)

What is "the line"?

> What are ATL and BTL activities? They seem simple enough. Above The Line (ATL) advertising is where mass media is used to promote brands and reach out to the target consumers. These include conventional media as we know it, television and radio advertising, print as well as internet. This is communication that is targeted to a wider spread of audience, and is not specific to individual consumers. ATL advertising tries to reach out to the mass as consumer audience.

> Below the line (BTL) advertising is more one to one, and involves the distribution of pamphlets, handbills, stickers, promotions, brochures placed at point of sale, on the roads through banners and placards. It could also involve product demos and samplings at busy places like malls and market places or residential complexes.


The line is the eyeline. If you’ve looking up - like a highway billboard, it’s ATL. If you’re looking down - at a brochure- it’s BTL.

Of course this definition is not exactly correct or exhaustive anymore, this is just the origin. Now it’s understood as defined by the other commentators.

Interesting, ut I didnt catch what “the line” is. is the terminology related to “above the fold” and “below the fold” from the print industry?

As a terminology aside online retail sales still uses “hard lines” and “soft lines” as product & organization categories!

I'm intrigued that a billboard is above the line, but banners and placards on the roads are below the line.

It has to do with reach - billboards are typically high-volume, low-specificity impressions while placards and banners are typically event-specific and have a lower, more targeted audiences. There's gray area, obviously, like billboards in airports.

> but banners and placards on the roads are below the line

I would include that as above the line. My understanding is ATL is for mass viewing. While BTL directly or reasonably targeted to the individual. I say 'reasonably' as often EDM/DM (emails and mailers) have broad targeting cohorts & elements but are considered BTL.

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