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Pavlina's site feels like one big informercial. Is there a term yet for blogs like that?

You guys are being kind of tough on his blog. I really only see one ad (though the motion is distracting).

I just spent some time reading through some of his other articles. The guy has some great ideas: freeing mental RAM, read a book a week, putting ideas into action, action days, making goals visible, etc. I just subscribed and am hopeful that his future posts will be as insightful as what I've just been reading.

he had some good stuff a long time ago but then it became hard to read when he started talking about psychic journeys into the unknown.

This is his sole steady source of income (the other being speaking engagements), so the marketing is understandable.

Pavlina's site feels like one big informercial

Not as good as this guy's: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Trudeau


No, that's too harsh. Splog is automatically generated website with the help of blog CMS, while he actualy writes his own articles.

The guy was quite helpful in the past with articles like how to build a habit of geting up early etc., but later shifted his focus to maximize his own profit from the site.

He's got the same "classic archive" problem that anyone with a long blog archive has. Last time Pav mentioned it, he had written over 500 articles, so now he prob has 700+. His most successful articles are posted on the front, circulate around the internet, etc. But if you go back sequentially through his archives, maybe only 1/3 of them are good and 1/10 are great. But those stand out in memory of the "good old Steve Pavlina". Same for pg, raganwald, and Joel.

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