On the Stanford Solar Car Project -- a mostly-undergrad student group -- we always built our cars with two physically separate CAN buses, one for nonessential features and one for the motor controller.
That way, we limited our surface area for catastrophic bugs: the only things connected to the safety-critical CAN bus were the motor controller itself and the throttle board.
This for a one-off experimental vehicle.
CAN is a very simple, unauthenticated bus. Any device can send a message that every other device on the bus will receive. Messages are typically just a few bytes long, binary encoded.
The idea of attaching an internet-connected infotainment computer to the same CAN bus as the brakes is absurd. Doing so on a production car, even more so.
The Ford story is disappointing but not totally new.
> CAN is a very simple, unauthenticated bus. Any device can send a message that every other device on the bus will receive.
True, but in practice messages that are deemed important are secured at higher OSI levels, and the identity of important bus participants is cryptographically checked during vehicle startup.
> The idea of attaching an internet-connected infotainment computer to the same CAN bus as the brakes is absurd. Doing so on a production car, even more so.
Which is why all vehicle architectures I'm familiar with have a bunch of CAN (and other) buses.
Maybe it used to be different, and I certainly know only a few bus architectures, but they make a honest attempt at securing the important bits at least.
Industry engineers may not get everything right, but they're not that stupid. Cut them some slack.
IMO there should be separate infotainment and hi-speed system CAN buses. It's lunacy to place engine control on the same bus as something with internet access that doesn't get upgraded, like, ever. I don't care how well it's tested.
Agreed – FYI: Tesla Model S (and likely X and 3) vehicles use a locked-down gateway (offering specific API actions, which result in CAN communication, etc) between their Ethernet network and CAN [1]
That's how it is on my car, but at the same time my car basically has no fancy electronics.
I understand software engineers pulling stunts like this, because there isn't actually a regulated engineering license, but I'd honestly have expected automotive engineers to be vehemently opposed to putting the stereo on the same system as the brakes.
It's not the software engineers that are the problem it's the automotive design managers who decide that there will be one computer and one buss.
The DOT should have standards for this stuff. Infotainment system shouldn't have control authority or share critical buses with the engine and braking/traction control system.
I wonder if some of this is to do with weight reduction. To have seperate buses must add a lot of extra equipment and wiring.
This means more weight and more power required to operate the electrics and in turn means lower MPG, higher fuel consumption and a more expensive car to design and manufacture.
The net outcome is a less competitive car in a competitive market.
I've worked with software engineers working on the CAN bus, and I had the same questions as you. According to them it has to do with the amount of cabling needed as well as electrical interference. A car has a lot of cabling going all over (a couple of hundred meters in total was the number I got), and if you can put as much of it as possible on the same bus(es), you save yourself a lot of problems.
So I suppose weight could be a factor, but space seems to be the big one.
I mean "a lot" in computer terms is like 4 lbs of equipment but since the brake pads on a truck weigh in at more than that I assume its not weight related.
Most modules have some feature or other that needs to communicate with infotainment or another module that needs to communicate with infotainment. Error reporting is the big one, but there's lots of little ones too. The brake module, for example, may be involved in tire pressure sensing, and also takes configuration for traction control and reports activation.
It's hard to find an appropriate segmentation for an air gap without sacrificing features, and most customers won't trade features for "security".
You are right of course. But still. Once you can talk over the CAN bus you can spoof pretty much anything, if I recall correctly. You could at least have some intermediary module on both buses that acts as a proxy. Then if someone hacks your radio they can't pretend to be the ECM.
The infotainment system should only be allowed to read values from the modules related to the actual driving. Configuring things like traction control will just have to be done via a system separate from the infotainment system.
I understand that it a little wasteful to not use that big touch screen in the center console to do configuration of the driving experience, but there's no safe way to do so.
> Modern electronic cars use a single bus (CAN bus) that connect all electrical systems. The brakes, the engine, the wipers, the stereo...
Not true.
The automotive bus architectures I know first hand (admittedly far from all of them of course) have multiple CAN buses, plus other bus technologies as well (MOST/LIN/Ethernet).
I don't think it would even be possible from a bandwidth/latency standpoint to push everything across a single CAN bus.
I had Hughes as a lecturer in University (Chalmers, Sweden) and we heavily utilized quick check in our Haskell courses. He’s a great lecturer and a brilliant mind, I do think they still teach new CS students Haskell with QuickCheck as a first course.
There should be at least two if not more CAN buses in a modern vehicle. The NHTSA should mandate that safety critical systems be on their own (redundant) network.
Yeah, that's a terrible idea. You should have at least three separate communication channels, and the most critical should be as isolated as possible from the others.
Critical (e.g. brakes, steering, engine control) important (AC, heat, dashboard) and then everything non-essential.
The people that design cars need to be software engineers but instead they're behaving like mechanical engineers.
This seems like just a mind boggingly bad architecture — is there any real reason that a system should be designed this way or is this organization simply the result of poor thinking applied incrementally to inconvenient realities?
In most cars this is not the case. For example, in my 2005 Opel Astra (Saturn Astra for US) there are three buses. High-speed CAN used for critical systems, Low-speed single wire CAN used for other vehicle systems and a mid-speed CAN for the entertainment and climate control stuff. All traffic between these buses are "firewalled" by CAN bridges that should only forward relevant frames between the nets.
VW for example have a firewall in front of the OBD connector, only allowing traffic for the diagnostic addresses to pass.
However, I expect that in newer "cloudy" cars, they need so much data that these "firewalls" have become very permissive. Remote start via Apps, triggering signal horns from the Internet, OnStar telemetry reporting etc.
Traditionally the car makers have been completely terrible at tech security but they are slowly improving on this front. In fairness they've also been to some degree hampered on this front by regulations protecting local small garages, stating that the diag stuff cannot be locked down too hard.
The trend towards monolithic hub systems is baffling. Didn't we learn those lessons while we were struggling with mainframes and timesharing? You don't lock critical systems, ever. You don't even directly interact with them, you send them messages and if they don't receive them they should continue to function as the operator would expect. The collision avoidance system failing to function correctly is no where near as dangerous as arbitrarily applying the brakes.
> Didn't we learn those lessons while we were struggling with mainframes and timesharing?
I feel like there are really three kinds of programmers today: those who learned first-hand the aforementioned lessons, those who were taught second-hand these lessons, and those who are destined to learn these lessons first-hand.
There are very few people relatively who experienced the lessons first hand. They taught the lesson to a larger group, who will hopefully do their best to heed its warning.
But what's happened? A whole lot of people came into programming in the last couple of decades. I feel like there literally aren't enough "elders" in the field to teach the influx of new programming ability. They're making the same mistakes again because for everyone one you tell not to, there are 10 more who are willing to try. And to some of them we're giving millions of dollars and they're forming companies with it, who go on to sell products about which exactly 0 people have asked "Is this a good idea? Has it been tried before? What was the result? What can we learn from that? Has anything changed since then that would lead to a different result?"
Thats pretty much the same story as usenet’s eternal september: as the rate of newcomers increases, it eventually outpaces the rate of teaching. At that point, no culture can be sustained longer than a year; a new batch will arrive, and learn things from scratch, and come up with their own solutions... until the next batch, which overrides any lessons learned by the prior
At the very least, here, the knowledge learned is sustained by individuals, and acknowledged (so you still have “experts” and “elders”), but as a general community, you can safely assume that everything is forgotten very rapidly.
Another example of it I’ve seen in video games, where modern designers seem to have forgotten that games existed before 2005: the same design mistakes solved in 1990 crop up again in 2018.
My preferred example being star control 2 vs mass effect: very similar games in design and spirit, two decades apart, and mass effect features many of the same mistakes, and even mistakes solved in star control. As if they had started the design from scratch.
Note that I'm talking about ME1; I never played ME2/3, since I never cared about their combat systems (and it's not very interesting anyways)
Also note that in some fashions ME1 does succeed in its goals, and outdoes SC2, but it doesn't really matter for this; whats interesting is what it failed to learn from its 20 year predecessor
tldr; SC2 does less work and gets much further with it, both mechanically and narratively, in a lot of ways that ME should have learned from. Instead, it seems more like they weren't even aware space operas existed outside of film.
the same mistakes include things like the landing/mining minigame, which is terrible in both games in similar fashion: it's kind of interesting for the first couple rounds until you realize its repetitive, mechanically simple and somewhat poorly controlled. In ME, its a tiny-bit alleviated by being in 3D, so driving around is more fun, but the geology remains dull and generally pointless.
Both feature the nuisance of having to iterate over every world, looking at the stats, and dropping it for 80% as its unlikely to be worth exploring. SC2 also acknowledges its mediocrity and generally avoids requiring it, with very few quests requiring it (and the coordinates usually given), and it becomes mostly unnecessary for mining further into the game as you find massive resource deposits. ME's 3D becomes a negative in this regard, as they still use it for questing throughout the game, and while SC2 has a small 2D screen to parse for the quest location, ME requires "exploring" the dead lands to find whatever marker. The lack of variety becomes more obvious due to the 3D environment (and the amount of time you're stuck in it) compared to SC2.
Notably, the existence of shit exploration in SC2, and how memorable it ends up being, should have been a strong indicator to ME not to pull the same shit
Probably much more based on personal preference, but the much more open, broad and simple narrative of SC2 is more compelling than ME's, at least partially because there's less for them to do a poor job in. ME has bigger and more varied politics between the races, and by far is the more serious game, but this also leads to a lot more stupid politics. Trying to give a bigger background to the races just leads to each race feeling not much different from humans, because, well, they basically are humans in a different skin. Same politics, same motives, different colors. SC2 "cheats" by simplifying races to really distinct, bare-bone traits, and going from there.
The spathi are absurdist cowards, and that's all they are. Their background stories, and all their operations, derive almost entirely from their extreme fear of everything. The Zoq-Fot-Pik are a strange, friendly symbiotic trio of aliens, operating by weird language rules, and odder political preferences. A lot of races lack a clear background, told only in minor hints, and this makes them feel more alien than ME could hope to accomplish. Compounded with the lack of requiring them to walk around and such, primarily being differentiated by their voices and tiny gif-like animations, leaving it to the imagination.
ME makes the mistake that SC2 didn't: aliens are interesting by their very nature; the haze of information is what fuels it. SC2 also has the benefit of being comedic, so it can come up with less plausible stories. ie from SC2's wiki: "For another fifty thousand years, the Zoq, the Fot and the Pik relaxed in the forests, until one day one of each race was walking up a steep path looking for something to eat, when a bolt of lightning struck nearby. The bolt of energy carved a wheel-shaped chunk of granite out of a cliff. As the rock began to roll down the hill, some dry grass got caught in its hole, and since the rock was still hot the grass caught on fire. Thus the Zoq, Fot, and Pik simultaneously discovered the wheel, fire, and religion"
But regardless, it puts out the feeling of Star Trek far better than ME could ever hope to accomplish, at least partially because the game doesn't try as hard. It might be argued that ME was leaning more towards Star Wars (space drama), but even then, it fails by virtue of expunging too much information (and not being grand enough)
And there are other smaller things like SC2 granting a greater degree of freedom, again by virtue of doing less work on its weaker parts. The combat is simpler, and doesn't require it for the most part, and is generally better off for it (ME loves to pretend it has a good enough system; it does not.) SC2 still has the fault of having an annoying amount of combat for what it is, but still far less so than ME (and doesn't really require it for any narrative events). Exploration is more interesting in SC2, again because of the freedom, narrative structure, and it wasting less time on its weaker components.
And of course there are those mistakes that just come out of modern game design, but these are unsurprising:
fast travel: kills any sense of distance and exploration (in ME's case, all travel is fast-travel, so space doesn't feel at all ... distant. The citadel feels larger than space.)
quest-logs: kills any sense of autonomy in the narrative, and background-discovery, and even exploration itself
emphasis on combat missions: ME does not have a good combat system. There's absolutely no reason for it to emphasizing it.
emphasis on player character: It's a space opera, and its focused on upgrading your player character & co? This is just...wrong. Personal preference, but focusing on ship upgrades is much more sensible. But then, the game barely involves space in the first place, so maybe not. It could have been a medieval fantasy and it wouldn't have been too different, in a lot of regards. (ofc, it is bioware, so maybe it really did derive from medieval fantasy)
dialogue wheel: adding morality to the choices, and then making it obvious to the player? It's just absurd. narrative branching on action alone is sufficient, less work, and obviously more correct.
combat-wise there's a lot of mistakes as well, but they're uninteresting for this discussion, and have a lot of other predecessors they failed to learn from. Suffice to say, its not a shitshow, but its not well done. Whats more interesting is that the designers failed to acknowledge its lack of quality, and account for it (or maybe they did so intentionally; its an EA title, so publishers are likely a good deal at fault for that one).
I'd say a bigger problem from my perspective is all the non-programmers who get into management and project management roles who never learned these lessons and who refuse to listen to programmers trying to teach them. They'll ignore you, and if you don't 'be a team player' you'll end up replaced by someone who will.
Because car companies have always built cars, not secure networks. Those executives have never been to DefCon; they have no idea what level of risk they face from the unsecured electronics components in their cars. They are not just unaware that putting critical systems and non-critical systems on the same bus is a bad idea, but they are also completely ignorant of the difference between real-time systems and the operating systems on their phones and computers.
They need to hire some folks with aviation backgrounds, who can explain to them why the plane does not fall out of the sky when the in-flight entertainment system chokes on a scratched DVD. Even when they get it wrong, it is still less wrong than the auto-makers.
Aviation people are the only outsiders they're likely to listen to.
They're not perfect. But they are better. They at least have an awareness that security is an issue, even if the ways they handle it are... well... let's just say they're not ideal.
Even though the tech folks who frequent this site are knowledgeable, the people who build stuff don't always respect our expertise. Sometimes they don't even realize that our expertise might apply to their problems. This is how we get black-box electronic voting machines and CANBUS2 and wi-fi light bulbs or security cameras that inadvertently open a back door into your LAN.
I'd be surprised if aviation systems are much better. They're really into putting everything on the same physical network too, but employing these things called "data diodes". As if that's a real thing, practically speaking.
It absolutely could be, though. Or you could use half an ethernet port. The idea of a data diode is fine, it's the [lack of] implementation that's at fault.
I mean, those movies being played on the back of seats aren't being run through a serial port. Given the move to an "on demand" scheme, they're not one way. The data diode is clearly meaningless when there's obviously two way traffic.
I don't understand. You wouldn't store the movies on the avionics systems in the first place. That's all inside the infotainment system, on one side of the diode. The things going over the diode would be stuff like current location and tire pressure.
> "data diodes". As if that's a real thing, practically speaking.
On CAN bus, it actually can be.
I've seen CAN bus participants with the transmit pin not connected. They were physically incapable of writing to the bus (granted, this drastic solution only works in very simple cases).
Maybe we shouldn't use avionics (the article we're commenting on is about a buffer overflow bug in new Boeing planes that could drop them from the sky) engineers to train the auto industry on system security
The other comments have effectively lambasted the manufacturers for their incompotence and foolishness in putting these on the same system, so I'll skip that bit.
The practical reason is that the big central touchscreen is a convenient place to put stuff. On an old truck, you selected 4WD by moving a big transfer case lever, which indicated you were in 4WD by its position. No computer to get in the way. Slightly newer trucks have physical buttons with lights that connect to electrical solenoids, often directly. Tractors have brake pedals for each wheel, but old trucks don't have a similar braking force distribution system - you got locking diffs or dragged all the brakes and hoped it helped. With a touchscreen and a computer in place, it's easy to make compelling sales pitches for putting complex features there instead of on expensive, complicated physical controls.
Complicated on a per-unit basis, that is - I understand that a computer has far more moving parts than any plastic-and-wires assembly, but when it works it's easier to draw buttons and graphics than to make mechanical actuators.
Whether or not the processing happens on the same CPU or communication happens on the same physical bus doesn't matter that much when you have the ability to make selections that affect the engine and drivetrain on the main display.
let me explain. attaching a non-essential sub-system with a large attack surface to a mission-critical network is not malicious (I hope) it is incompetence. I would accept a unidirectional serial link with a validated protocol as a sole connection between the two.
I think it is the same kind of thinking that goes into other bad ideas: flickering stop lights, red turn signals. The auto makers just don't really care or think. This is something I don't understand.