I don’t understand how people have a problem getting their children to do their chores.
Just having a good attitude (I’m referring to the parent) and investing the time is all it takes. Frankly, getting responsible adults to do chores requires no less of an investment.
It's quite simple really, not all children are the same.
I would be the first to agree that investing the time and having a good attitude would probably be quite enough for many families. But I feel that it would be quite unfair to many families to suggest that it always works, because it doesn't.
Why it doesn't always work like this might be easiest shown by considering cases of rather minor cognitive disabilities, some of which can still make doing chores a lifelong struggle.
In this context it's clear to a anyone having relevant experience with such a disability - even disabilities at subclinical levels - that any blanket statement about what works is always false. The variety is simply too great.
Extrapolating from that we can conclude that: As there are few, or no, binary parameters when it comes to humans, the above example is enough to show that the reason why not all parents get their children to do chores is that we are currently bounded at the top - at least - by our lack of understanding of the immense cognitive variation in humans, and our ability for effective interventions.
The story is more complex than that, and it is likely much could be done to improve outcomes for both parents and children.
Just having a good attitude (I’m referring to the parent) and investing the time is all it takes. Frankly, getting responsible adults to do chores requires no less of an investment.