Those are mostly library functions, not part of the language.
It doesn't seem any more reasonable to use them to declare Haskell a complex language than it would to have the existence of, say, a linear algebra library providing mathematical operators for Forth mean that Forth is a complex language.
Is the STL part of C++? Sure, it's a library, but it's a standard library - it should be there in every conforming implementation. Personally, I think of that as part of the language.
Is some vendor's RS232-port-handling library part of C++? I would say no.
In the same way, I think that Java's standard library is part of the language, and is in fact the strongest selling point of Java.
It doesn't seem any more reasonable to use them to declare Haskell a complex language than it would to have the existence of, say, a linear algebra library providing mathematical operators for Forth mean that Forth is a complex language.