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Fast blurring algorithm written in JavaScript and demoed using YUI (people.mozilla.org)
90 points by donohoe on Oct 14, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

off-topic, but this reminded me of an idea i had for a firefox extension: when visiting a questionable url, be able to tell firefox to blur the page/image heavily before rendering it. as you slowly decrease the blur and realize that it's something obscene/gross, you can close the tab before seeing the gory details that your eyes cannot unsee.

That's actually pretty funny.

But I think you'd get annoyed by blurred pages taking forever to unblur and then not having anything bad on them. I think most people are desensitized anyway, and just look off-image until they can close it.

Firefox 4 at least has scaled-down preview images in the Ctrl-Tab switcher - if you open questionable images in a background tab and switch to it with Ctrl-Tab, you ought to be able to get at least a little advance warning.

I assume most ad filters would already block such images, but other than that, it sounds like a great idea. I'd love to see it.

Useless without the paper, imo. Here is the closest thing I could find:


When I was a much bigger idiot, I used to read C sources for open source audio codecs, in order to teach myself fixed-point numeric tricks. Turns out, there are entire handbooks of that stuff, with prose. No need to reverse-engineer precomputed tables with bleary eyes.

Care to share links to any of those handbooks?

The handbooks are at any university library, I use George Mason in U.S., and UTS in Sydney.

The papers, however, are everywhere. Search for the SIGGRAPH stuff here:


Everything's there. See you in about a year :-)

The URL for this item points to my lightly hacked version, but the real thing is at http://www.quasimondo.com/StackBlurForCanvas/StackBlurDemo.h... . (I just made it update when the slider moved, instead of requiring a button press, so that I could see how FF4 beta did at maintaining interactive perf with it.)

set radius to n where n>0, click render, set radius to 0, click render.

Doesn't unblur.

Seconded. I am on Chrome (7.0.544.0 dev) on 64-bit Linux.

Can't believe I forgot to include my platform in a bug report. What an ass.

Firefox 3.6.10 on OSX 10.6.4

I wonder what browsers support Canvas but not SVG's gaussian blur filter:


Canvas is of course arguably more flexible.

Awesome. I tried to write something like this, but it was way out of my league. Glad to see someone did it. Used correctly, blur can be really neat in UIs.

very interesting indeed, but perhaps still not quite ready for production systems:

moving the blur control back and forth in a fast motion creates some interesting effects

Like what? I'm on Chrome 8.0.552.0 dev and can't make it not work perfectly.

If I slide it over to the right quickly, sliding back to the left doesn't unblur it all the way.

That seems like more of a problem with the slider control.

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