This is incredible and makes me think a website like this could and should exist, containing an interface to as many unix tools as possible.
Yes, one could "RTFM" as one commenter mentioned, but if you're just a casual CLI user, this sort of interface seems incredibly handy. "I know I want to use cURL but I don't know what arguments I need to do X and Y". Use the interface to piece together a whole command, with nice instructions for every little flag and argument available so you know what you're doing.
It's kind of like those visual regex builders. They're amazing!
For new tools and commands, sure, but most notable Linux utilities are mature and stable, with very few syntactic changes - so many production scripts already rely on syntax remaining static that changing it would break far more than the suggested tool.
You would think that. Then, oops, we're running dash, not bash. Or that sinking feeling you get when you think "that command line switch worked last week" on some "mature and stable" Linux utility only to realize that you're no longer running bash with real utilities, but ash with toybox or busybox builtins because some dickhead wanted to save 5 MiB on his docker image.
It would be more didactically useful to not use a lower-uppercase font for the resulting options, right now it causes a lot of confusion: should you use `-I eth0` or `-i eth0`?
(I had to look it up, the lower case variant is the correct one.)
Cool stuff,
I would personally enforce the "count" packet to 100 or 1000 by default. This way, you make sure that no one crashes this powerful device. If someone knows what is doing, then he could just disable it.
So my first thought was this is really cool, and it is. However I realized I would never use it as if I need tcpdump, I am on a CLI and I am just going to type man for things I need to look up.
I get downvoted a lot, however, do we really need a tool to access another tool? I guess we don't - it is a pointless tool. If tcpdump is THAT important to you, it merits taking a deep look into the manual. Now, just because someone implemented a website with directions to a tool, it doesn't automatically translate to something useful.
To be fair mate: you are spot on. I'll never use it and I'll still be reading the man page and the HTML howtos for a few years to come. That said, someone had a bash and put a spotlight on something.
I have lost count of the times I have had to tell people to stop relying on "magic" and get a bloody packet capture out. Oh ... and log files.
I kind of agree with both sides of this argument but the one thing I often find lacking in man is context, which I know not really the point. But there is in the layout of the commands in this tool a better path to understanding the switches one might need to accomplish whatever task is at hand. Personally, I've spent far more time grep'ing my history than using man.
And true story, someone may have heard of at one point tcpdump or whatever but not know what man is. There's also people that transcend the platform multiverse that may spend hours, days or weeks building a bash script using linux tools that's used briefly or automated and will require familiarization if that process is ever reviewed/needed again. Tools like this and the regex visualization sites mentioned previously are great for that.
Yes, one could "RTFM" as one commenter mentioned, but if you're just a casual CLI user, this sort of interface seems incredibly handy. "I know I want to use cURL but I don't know what arguments I need to do X and Y". Use the interface to piece together a whole command, with nice instructions for every little flag and argument available so you know what you're doing.
It's kind of like those visual regex builders. They're amazing!