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> How expensive is cat litter where he lives?

It's the US, so about $10 for 35lbs of "Litter Purrfect" from Costco. Around 20lbs/month/cat was his pre-robot, usage, IIRC, and he had multiple cats.

> For me, it is indeed a non-zero expense, but also mostly unnoticeable one.

Every non-zero expense is noticeable to someone living frugally, since they can easily add up if left unnoticed.

> Definitely not worth replacing with a robot that'll most likely take more than a year to pay itself back

To be clear, he wasn't basing the purchase decision itself on the cost savings in litter, merely accelerating the timing of the purchases. He had already decided to "splurge" on replacing all the manual litterboxes with robots.

> I don't expect this kind of tech to run continuously for a year without major, expensive breakage

Most of the tech's actually remarkably simple (for the LR-II model, anyway), which means, in a way, it's overpriced, but the market bears it. The standard warranty is 18 months, and the extended warranty (another $50 or $100?) doubles that.

Personally, I've had them last over 5 years, with the main failures being the electronics (cheap and easy to replace, unlike many other products), power supply wall wart (which I merely replace myself with a better one), and a metal spring for the "waste door" (not as easy, but the parts were free, and it's a very old-age failure).

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