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I don't think you are contradicting prolikewh0a's point. To rephrase their point in terms of your language, it's difficult to not be (openly) anti-social if you feel like society is anti-you.

Not impossible and not necessarily excusable. Just... difficult.

>it's difficult to not be (openly) anti-social if you feel like society is anti-you.

This is really accurate. I've really had to work on making good decisions and working on some slight anger issues during my transition after pretty much all of my family abandoned me, a lot of my friends started making fun of me publicly or just abandoned me totally. It's a significant reason why I moved across the country to Seattle -- a more open and accepting area of the USA -- to make new friends and get a job that was very open to LGBT persons. It's still tough, but the life change, surrounding myself with people who support me, really helped.

Society is very anti-me. I just wear a suit to work and pretend to be someone else. Not terribly hard.

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