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As a website visitor, if I don't see HTTPS, I worry -- ever so slightly -- that someone has added some junk to the content along the way, whether it's my ISP or someone with a fake AP in a coffee shop.

I also just don't want ISPs etc. knowing what content I read, in minute detail. No, I don't "have something to hide", but I'm sick of it being so easy for companies to build detailed profiles of my habits and then sell that information to people who want to sell me things. No thanks.

Sure, I could run a VPN all the time. But I think to be a good web citizen, site operators should do all they can to protect their users from malicious actors out there. TLS is just one piece of that.

And honestly, for a modest static blog site, you can set up Let's Encrypt in less than an hour.

The worry is well-founded too, as e.g. tons of hotels I've visited have added junk, even recently, as have some coffee shops (mostly prior to widespread wifi-ification though, I haven't seen it in a while). Airplane / airport wifi has as well.

HTTP feeds this kind of hostile behavior.

No need to worry. That static site is probably loading dozens of javascript libraries and mining every click on the page anyway... err, analytics.

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