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As an anecdote, I recently went to the hospital suspecting a kidney infecting. I had all the signs (pain on both sides under the skin, smelly urine, a bit of fever that came and went) so I told the nurse I was pretty certain I had a kidney infection.

When the doctor saw me, she took my urine only and when it came back "perfect" she said I definitely did not have a kidney infection, that my pain was probably mechanical.

Two nights later and I couldn't move or think from the fever, the pain in my kidneys was so severe I could barely breathe, and I was fearing I was on the fast-track to sepsis (which I've had before).

Apparently the tech testing my urine sample fucked up, which is why the results came back perfect. The strange thing is, the doctor herself said she was surprised it was perfect, but took it at face value despite my insistence that I definitely had a kidney infection, especially considering I have a history of such infections. Also, when she said my pain was most likely "mechanical", I told her I hadn't done any intense activity lately, and she said I probably slept wrong, ignoring the fact I said I'd had a slight fever-- when they tested me at the hospital I had no fever.

It was a really weird experience. I understand skepticism against a patient's self-diagnosis, but I was claiming a kidney infection-- this is a common diagnosis for women with my symptoms and I've had many kidney infections before so I know what it feels like. Still, the doctor trusted that her three quick tests were perfect (urine sample, temperature, mechanical inspection) and her mis-diagnosis could have caused me permanent damage (kidney scarring or sepsis).

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