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If you don't use HTTPS you are also forgoing the integrity check and not only the encryption. Any router standing between your users and your servers could inject anything into your code, html, etc.

There's a corner case where, surprisingly, your parent's point kinda works, SRI:


If a site exists just to host resources protected with SRI then you can in principle use HTTP, the resource integrity protection will fire and so long as the main page's origin was genuine (e.g. protected with HTTPS) you come out OK...

But SRI isn't even implemented at all in Safari or IE. So, there's a good chance if you have Mac or Windows users they're screwed.

This really is a corner case, even if some day Safari and IE get SRI, you should always just use HTTPS to actually protect resources in flight. The purpose of SRI is more around not fully trusting a sub-resource you've intentionally linked not to be changed.

Right, but you still need HTTPS for the main domain.

There is the possibility of corrupting the integrity of the application code in this way, but this doesn't void privacy thanks to the same origin policy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-origin_policy

If integrity of the application is violated the application is broken or defective. Fortunately the application is open source and so integrity violations can be easily verified. More fortunately still the application is a diff tool, so it can perform self validation across the wire by comparing the transmitted application code against the stored application code.

> Fortunately the application is open source and so integrity violations can be easily verified. More fortunately still the application is a diff tool, so it can perform self validation across the wire by comparing the transmitted application code against the stored application code.

It could, if you had any guarantee that the application code was not compromised the first time, and if you had a customized browser that responded to a navigation request by checking for and running the stored application code for th URL to decide whether or not to use the downloaded code. But that's not the way browsers normally work.

Furthermore, even if it was, the case of “A web application hooks into the web request lifecycle to guarantee that it's code can never be changed once first loaded and which stores all user data locally” is an unusual-enough case (if even possible to implement) that there is a good reason that the always-HTTPS crowd doesn't address it: it's simply not a case which has any real-world relevance. At that point, sure, you don't need HTTPS after the initial download, because you don't need web requests at all since you are effectively unconditionally throwing away the response in favor of locally stored code.

I may be misunderstanding but I don't believe the Same-origin policy will protect you there. You're browser wouldn't be able to tell whether the JS it's reading is the real one or the modified one. So it would be all "same origin" for it.

It won't stop a modified code from pushing data to anywhere in the web either.

> More fortunately still the application is a diff tool, so it can perform self validation

Yes, if the application has been loaded before but I feel like it would be a half-baked HSTS implementation.

Edit: it was too convoluted

Also if the attack did take place at the router then HTTPS certainly is irrelevant regardless of what the browser is doing. HTTP and HTTPS ride over TCP. If you can modify code at the router then you can change the TCP packets to spoof the page address or HTTP response and sidestep HTTPS or the requested domain entirely.


Simply modify the TCP connection in transit to return other TSL encrypted data than what the user asked for. Really, if you are already at the router you can essentially do anything to the user's traffic and modify it in any way except read encrypted data. Simply redirect the user to a spoofed domain with a spoofed page running malicious code sent as HTTPS. Then you can gather all the privacy data you want through HTTPS.

The guarantee TLS provides is not that content is unable to be modified, but that any modifications are detectable.

The router (or anything else between your computer and the server) can modify the content in transport to its heart's content, but it won't be able to sign it with the domain's private key, and so the browser will always know when such modifications have taken place and flag them as malicious.

That is true after the certificate chain is validated by the browser, but not before. A malicious router attack could just as easily modify the initial http request so that the user is directed to the domain on a spoofed IP before HTTPS trust violation. The malicious http server would also have to spoof the original cert though, but then they get malicious trusted https on the trusted domain that returns similar looking code.

It doesn't matter. The browser can use the SSL certificate and the corresponding public key to verify that the contents of the connection originated from the server at the domain it expects. Unless the server's private key or browser's root certificates are compromised, the connection cannot be spoofed without being detected.

You really didn't read what I wrote. If the malicious site uses the valid domain and a spoofed cert for that domain it cannot tell the difference and will establish the very same trust. The browser has no way of knowing if the requested domain is hosted from the appropriate IP address. This is all handled by the DNS system. DNS lookups and caching are not a function of the browser.

Perhaps you will take it more seriously if it comes from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority#Validati...

I did read what you wrote, but it's incorrect because you can't create a valid certificate for a domain you don't control.

> If the malicious site uses the valid domain and a spoofed cert for that domain it cannot tell the difference and will establish the very same trust. The browser has no way of knowing if the requested domain is hosted from the appropriate IP address.

In your scenario, the browser receives the spoofed certificate. The domain matches, but when it checks the certificate chain against its root certificates, it can't find a matching signature. Because of this, the browser knows the certificate hasn't been signed by a certificate authority it trusts, and it throws up that warning page about visiting an unsafe site.

Your Wikipedia article (and my earlier caveat about the server's private key being compromised) refers not to spoofing a cert, but to the CA being tricked into signing a certificate for a party who doesn't control the domain:

> In particular, it is always vulnerable to attacks that allow an adversary to observe the domain validation probes that CAs send.

In this case, requests to that specific domain would be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. However, it's outside the scope of TLS, which only ensures security in transport when neither the client nor the server have been compromised; it has nothing to do with securing private keys or verifying control of a domain in the first place.

Spoofed certs are difficult, especially if you turn off certs like let's encrypt with dns.

> A malicious router attack could just as easily modify the initial http request so that the user is directed to the domain on a spoofed IP before HTTPS trust violation.

If the initial request is HTTPS, everything is validated, and a spoofed redirect is impossible.

At a high level this is true, but in practice it's not what's happening, TLS 1.3 makes this tidier so let's use that example:

1. Alice proposes to send encrypted messages to Bob, she hopes this first, unencrypted, message reaches Bob (but if it doesn't she'll be fine, except that she reveals she wanted to talk to Bob) and it has a Diffie-Hellman Key Share inside it which is just basically a number Alice got by doing some mathematics on a (different) random number that Alice never tells anybody, even Bob.

2. Somebody receives Alice's message, they do the other half of the Diffie-Hellman Key Share, and send that to Alice. Both this somebody and Alice now (thanks to DH) have a set of symmetric encryption keys nobody else knows. So using symmetric encryption they immediately have an encrypted channel between Alice and whoever somebody is.

3. The somebody sends Bob's certificate over the encrypted channel. But Bob's certificate is a public document, it does NOT prove this is Bob.

4. If this is really Bob he wraps up everything they both said so far (message from Alice, reply from Bob, sending back a certificate etcetera) and Signs that with his private key which is paired with the public key inside his certificate. He sends the signature to Alice over the encrypted channel. He _could_ also demand a certificate & signature from Alice at this point but on the web basically nobody does this.

5. Now Alice knows this is really Bob and can safely send messages on the encrypted channel to Bob.

There's no need for any messages to be signed with Bob's key after step 4, all messages are protected with the symmetric encryption keys agreed in steps 1 & 2.

Simply "flagging" things if they're apparently changed isn't good enough, bad guys can use this to create an "Oracle" which destroys security eventually. Instead modern TLS with AEAD will simply abort the entire connection after decrypting a message which has been tampered with, and (correct implementations of) TLS refuse to give you partially decrypted messages, either the whole message arrives and is decrypted successfully, or it hasn't and you can't have the data. Thus an adversary learns nothing from tampering: They know they tampered with the message, and it's not a surprise this blew up the connection - doing it again, and again, and again teaches them nothing further.

If you want to see how it could go wrong otherwise, check out videos of "Lucky Thirteen" which gradually guesses bits of data your browser is wiling to send repeatedly over HTTPS connections while it improves the guess (e.g. cookies). A modern browser mitigates this attack by making the timing involved impractical, but AEAD is better.

It's far more common for this to happen beyond the router. A few years ago there was a spate of ISPs injecting ads onto sites they don't control, because HTTP doesn't prevent them from doing so. HTTPS does.

I remember that and defacement is a valid and important concern. This is probably the most realistic and valid concern raised here.

These attacks would work well for advertising because the ISP would inject an iframe into the page that sources unique content and beacons data back to the source of the iframe. This breaks anonymity, but it doesn't break privacy since the code in the iframe cannot access the surrounding page.

That's not how TLS works, your browser has a list of CA(certificate authority)s it can trust, unless a CA gone rogue(which has happened before), you can't change traffic and make it appear from someone else(read on public-key signing).

Where is the key signed? It is signed at the web server providing the HTTPS response. It isn't signed by the CA. The CA provides a digital signature to the certificate to validate the certificate using cryptography (X.509 standard). Digital signature algorithms are very different from the encryption algorithms used in the PKI model.

Wikipedia also explains this limitation with regard to breaking DNS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority

What's your point? The CA certificate is used during signing part of the hash calculation.

A malicious router (or any entity between you and the site you're trying to connect to) redirecting your traffic is the exact situation that HTTPS protects against.

It does not. Redirection from the router involves only TCP and DNS actions. HTTPS does not encrypt TCP. HTTPS is an encrypted tunnel that rides over TCP. HTTPS is a layer 7 protocol while TCP is a layer 4 protocol. You can encrypt TCP as well if you are using IPSEC. IPSEC is built into IPv6 by default, but it fails with NAT over IPv4, which is still most of the internet.

None of that is what HTTPS is for though. The primary function of HTTPS is to prevent HTTP traffic from being sent in the clear so that anybody could read it.

If the user is trying to access https://example.com, and an attacker redirects the TCP connection (or fakes a response to the DNS query so the user gets the wrong IP address) to a server that doesn't have the private key for example.com's HTTPS certificate, then the HTTPS connection will fail. The attacker is unable to serve their own content to the user as "https://example.com". HTTPS doesn't just encrypt the connection, but also authenticates the integrity of connections as being from the domain they claim to be from.


Spoofing a certificate isn't trivial but fraudulent certificates are a thing. This is why there are revocation lists and OCSP.

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