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Service workers automatically reload after 24 hours, regardless of caching headers (though I believe they’ll respect a 304). I believe this was done partially to limit the duration of such a compromise.

I don't want to be compromised at all and it seems like a great way keep it that way is to force web pages to live in you know pages which I can close and know they aren't effecting my browser.

It also breaks my mental model of how the browser works in a way that will be incomprehensible to users.

Instead of my computer is acting funny I need to reboot we will have my browser is acting funny I need to restart it or we can combine the 2.

My browser is acting funny lets power cycle again. Coming soon to a windows PC near you.

Unless there’s a sandbox escape, the worst it could do is use some extra CPU cycles and RAM. It’s not good at doing stuff like bitcoin mining because it’s event driven (much more like a page than a web worker). All the browsers are also very aggressive at killing them unless a page is open or you get a push notification.

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