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Also, 'fever and a bit of a rash' are the symptoms of just about every childhood illness ever, and perfectly harmless 99% of the time and fatal within 24 hours 0.1% of the time (or something).

Every few years you get some indignant news story banging on about how some awful hospital sent a poor sick child (presenting with fever and a rash) home with some Panadol instead of ordering a full battery of tests, and then the child turned out to have meningitis or something.

I feel like if you want to call yourself a doctor you should be able to tell the difference. If you're only good for diagnosing simple and common maladies then you're likely to be replaced by an algorithm soon.

I may be biased. In my own experience, doctors largely just seem to exist to get you out of their office and billed as quickly as possible, dismissing anything you say that doesn't align with whatever theory they've latched on to.

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