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May I ask the justification to download 1-10MB JSON on the user's system without the user being aware?

They are aware, it’s business software, syncing records/templates/frequent info etc. It’s only to improve the experience, and it’s controlled by settings/opt-in etc.

It’s also configurable to only operate on faster connections/non mobile IP address etc.

The main reason I was asking is if you currently benchmark service worker updates with indexedDB for async/larger updates, they still cause a small amount of jank, (at least on larger requests) even though they may use a different process etc.

There’s a github repo with a benchmark, this link is older but if you clone the current version and update to the lastest packages, the results are still similar.


You also cache regular web resources like images. It is for the user's benefit since next visit to the site can be faster.

You misunderstand. Service worker traffic is invisible, unlike loading an image and generally speaking can't be governed, unlike visible elements.

Loading 1-10MB JSON might drain a significant portion of mobile data. It could take a long time, meaning it may need to re-start it a couple of times, due to, say, a flaky 3G connection.

I'm curious on the why - unless this is an announced feature, I don't think this should be an automatic process and should only be done on user demand explicitly.

I agree with you, there are several settings avail to control what is optimized, it’s typically enabled on faster devices/connections at work. I would be upset as well if a site naively used up a connection in the background.

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