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If you don't want to install Haskell and other dependencies, several folks have developed Docker images for using pandoc:




You could also just download one of the packages from the "Installing" page on the Pandoc web site, which has prebuilt binaries for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Installing a whole Docker image to do this seems like it might be overkill for a lot of uses.

You'd only need to install Haskell if you wanted to build Pandoc. Pandoc the executable is a binary. I install it on Debian via: `apt install pandoc`.

although the version in the default repo is usually quite old. You can grab a binary from https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/latest

Bonus hint: If you somehow aren't able to upgrade the binary (enterprise...), using an up to date template helps a lot (at least for LaTeX).

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