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Apple now employee their own teams to do mapping

Do you have a source? I'd be interested to look at the work they're doing.

Thanks for that. I see now that it's linked from the article—I'd previously overlooked it as the article seemed to imply it was the product of their volunteer programme, but it seems it isn't:

> The building information was developed with sensors from low altitude aerial imagery.

> The building footprint and height information was captured and developed in 2013.

There's also Atlas[0], not mentioned in the article, which seems to be a (open-source/non-free??[1]) tool released by Apple for use specifically with OSM data. Really interesting stuff.

[0] https://github.com/osmlab/atlas

[1] https://github.com/osmlab/atlas/blob/dev/LICENSE

I got the link from my notes of the StateOfTheMap conference where an Apple representative was speaking. They have full-time staff now, claim 1 month training. It sounded like a dozen people.

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